Rules and practical information
1.1 The rules of the boarding school are few and clear
1.2 Besides the above the boarding school has a number of absolute rules
1.3 Infringement of the boarding school rules
2.1 Doors
2.2 Fire precautions
2.3 Computers and the internet
2.4 Bicycles
2.5 Notification of errors
2.6 Television
2.7 Civil registration
2.8 Insurance
2.9 Pets
2.10 Doctor and dentist
2.11 Keys
2.12 Landry
3.1 Rooms
3.2 Windows
3.3 Bath and toilet
3.4 Corridor kitchens
3.5 Common rooms and amenities
3.6 Common room in the basement
3.7 Sports and fitness facilities
3.7.1 You must be 15 years old…
3.7.2 Behavior
3.7.3 Clothing
3.7.4 Treatment of machines, weights etc.
3.7.5 Music/telephone
3.7.6 Doping, alcohol, smoking
3.8 Music room
3.9 Refrigerator/freezer and coffee mashines/electric kettles etc.
3.10 Lockers in the basement
4.1 Moving in
4.2 Things you need to bring for your stay at the boarding school
4.3 Moving out
5.1 Indoor climate/cleaning your ovn room
5.2 The common rooms
5.3 Corridor duty
5.4 House duty
5.5 Practical assistants
6.1 Lectio
6.2 Notice board
9.1 Leisure time activities
9.2 Parties at the gymnasium
10.1 Quiet
10.2 Homeword and quiet
10.3 Late – night quiet
11A.1 . The boarding school position on alcohol, drugs and other intoxicants
11A.2 Alcohol
11A.3 Sanctions
11A.4 Drugs
11A.5 Sanctions
11A.6 Preventive action
11A.7 Smoking
12.1 Weekends/the weekend list
12.2 Pupils check-up throughout the week and in the weekends
12.3 Weekend meals
12.4 Guests
12.5 Holidays
13.1 Absence from the boarding school
13.2 Absence from school in the case of illness
13.3 Unauthorised absence from the school
13.4 Need of medical consultation
13.5 Out of hours medical service
13.6 Diseases
13.7 Transportation of patients*
13.8 Urgent need for medical attention
13.9 Non prescription drugs
13.10 Dentist
14.1 Pupils’ meetings
14.2 Corridor meetings
14.3 The welfare committee
16.1 The kitchen staff
16.2 Nutrition and education assistent
16.3 Nutritional agenda
16.4 Organic food
16.5 Sustaninability
16.6 Season
16.7 Locally
16.8 Food
16.9 Fish
16.10 Bread
16.11 Menu
16.12 Serving
16.13 Food waste
16.14 Professionalism
16.15 Vegetarian
16.16 Food allergies/intolerance
16.17 Lunch boxes
16.18 Meals
16.19 Dining Hall
1. Rules
- You are to behave in a friendly, considerate, and respectful manner towards others.
- You must contribute constructively to the social life of the boarding school.
- You must participate in the duties at the boarding school.
- Transgression of these social rules equals with-drawl from the community and thereby one reduces one’s chances of a good boarding school stay, that supports one´s education at school.
- Attending school is a prerequisite for living at the boarding school. A poor attendance record with unjustified absence means that you cannot stay at the boarding school.
- Pupils must participate in all mandatory activities and meetings, as well as carry out all duties and tasks at the boarding school including house duties, kitchen and corridor duties and filling in weekendlist, travelforms and guestforms etc.
- Transgressions will result in sanctions and, at worst, expulsion.
- Possession, consumption and / or sale of narcotics, other drugs such as doping drugs are strictly prohibited. Violation or circumvention of this prohibition will result in police notification and immediately expulsion from boarding school.
- It is forbidden to drink alcohol during schooldays, in the examination periods and days when there are events or a party at the school. Only on Fridays and Saturdays after 19.00, can the boarding school teacher on duty give permission to drink beer, wine, and mixers (such as Bacardi Breezers). It is forbidden even to keep wine, beer and spirits as well as empty containers at the boarding school (it applies to all places, including. your room and locker in the basement).
- In the event that you have received permission from the boarding school teacher to drink alcohol on weekends, you must have cleaned up and be quiet at 22.00. Alcohol and empty alcohol containers must be removed the next day, latest at 10.00.
- Boarding school pupils are also expected to have a sensible and responsible attitude to alcohol outside the boarding school, and we expect that you do not drink alcohol outside the boarding school on days before school days.
- Several transgressions of these rules can result in expulsion from the boarding school.
- Smoking is prohibited on the boarding school´s area (both inside and outside). Smoking must not take place on school premises, visible from the school or interfere with the school’s residents. This also applies to hookah / water pipes, e-cigarettes, snus and similar.
- Bullying, violence, harassment and threats are unacceptable forms of behavior and can result in expulsion from the boarding school.
- We expect a proper tone both on and off the internet. It is expected that when you go online, you do so with respect for each other. Bullying / harassment / threatening behavior online and sharing material without consent may result in expulsion from boarding school
- It is not permitted to use, store or be in possession of weapons or weapon-like objects on the premises of the boarding school.
- As a boarder, we expect that you abide by the common norms of society and the rules for good conduct and social interactions. That you show respect for others and their things and property rights, including abiding by criminal code. Consequently, theft may result in expulsion from the boarding school even if the offence did not take place at the boarding school. The is due to the fact that such actions may affect the feeling of security at the boarding school. Stealing shows a clear lack of judgment and lack of respect for others and their property rights. Such lack of respect may affect the boarding school community. It is detrimental for the feeling of security at the boarding school. And it is damaging for the reputation of the boarding school, where we strive to create a spirit of community and mutual respect.
- In relation to the use of the network at the boarding school, we expect that you refrain from any illegal streaming and downloading and distribution of copyrighted material such as music, movies, programs, games and more.
- It is strictly prohibited to prevent fire safety installations to function as it is extremely dangerous. Violation of this rule can result in expulsion.
Pupils that violates the boarding school’s rules or otherwise breaks reached agreements, will experience a consistent response from the boarding school.
Depending on the case, there will be the following sanctions:
- A reprimand by the boarding school teacher on duty.
- Oral warning given by the boarding school teacher on duty
- A written warning by the Head of the boarding school and as recommended by the boarding school teacher on duty.
- While investingating a case, a student may be sent home temporarily.
- Temporary or permanent expulsion. After permanent expulsion you are excluded from visiting the boarding school.
- With a given sanction, the head of bearding school can like a number of expectations to a boarding school student´s future stay. In special cases, you may be required to enter into an agreement that you during periods, e.g must be home on weekends, do not drink alcohol on or outside the boarding school’s area etc.
- Management has the right to demand temprary delivery of private objects thaty are not permittede at the boarding school.
- Temporary detention of student´s private objects that are not permitted at the boarding school will be maintained until the student, in agreement with magement, can bring the object(s) safely home and permanently away from the barding school premises.
- In any case of written and wider sanction, parents will be informed.
2. Important things to remember
The main door of the boarding school is open at the time of 7-16. The remaining outer doors are locked and only employees and boarding school students can enter, using their own key.
If you lock yourself into the boarding school, you are responsible for ensuring that the door remains locked.
You must always remember to lock the door when you leave your room.
You must not lend your key to others.
It is strictly forbidden to tamper with the fire-fighting equipment which is there to help save lives. Damaging the equipment may result in immediate expulsion from the boarding school.
In the rooms, do not use candles (tea lights, candles) and incense sticks.
For reasons of fire safety, do not use an electric kettle, coffee maker, etc. in your room. You may also not have a fridge / freezer in your room.
Due to fire precautions and the cleaning of the school, you cannot place personal belongings, shoes, boxes etc in the corridors. Do not hang anything on the room door, beyond the nameplate.
You will be instructed what to do in the case of fire. Fire drills will be held.
In the event of a fire, you must go to the canteen of the gymnasium / FOODCAMP immediately. Here all the pupils will be counted and registered. It is important to be seated together with the rest of your corridor.
The boarding school has a computer room. The computers are connected to the school’s educational network. Therefore pupils who need to use a computer for school-related purposes have priority of access. The rules for using the computers at the gymnasium also cover the use of the computers of the boarding school. These rules can be found on the notice board in the room.
All pupils have free access to the Internet. There is a wireless network in the common areas and in the rooms at the boarding school. It is also possible to connect to the network with a cable in the rooms.
All pupils are expected to behave responsibly and refrain from engaging in any form of streaming and downloading and distribution of patented material such as music, movies, programs, and games. Nor must your computer be used to spread virus, spam, or for hacking. Your computer must be switched off when you are not in your room.
If it transpires that a pupil’s computer has been used in an illegal manner, the matter will be reported to the police and the computer will be disconnected from the Internet. The pupil involved will be liable for any economic consequences arising from the misuse of the computer.
If the rules on the use of computers are violated, a written warning will be given and the pupil’s computer will be disconnected from the Internet for a period.
All traffic on the Internet is tracked.
Bicycles are useful to have when living at the boarding school.
Bicycles must be placed in the and not elsewhere. Your bike must be marked with your name and room number. Name tags for bicycles are provided by the boarding school teachers. If your name tag is lost, it is important that you contact the boarding school teacher on duty so that you can get a new one.
You are not allowed to place your bicycle by the entrance, on the pavement, or under the pent roof which is for the staff’s and guests’ bikes.
It is important that the above are complied with, and fully. Passages must be free in case of fire and ambulance services.
If there are bicycles in those places where they are not allowed, they will be removed by the boarding school teacher. The bicycles will be released each Thursday at 12.00.
Mopeds, motor bikes, and cars are to be parked in the parking ground at the end of Skolebakken. Parking by purple building is prohibited.
If you observe that some things are not functioning; eg. a drain that is blocked, a window that cannot be closed, a lamp that does not work, please report the error on the school’s intranet system Lectio. In the event of big or urgent damages you must contact the boarding school teacher on duty or other staff members.
A link to the web page where errors can be reported can be found on the front page of Lectio.
There are televisions in three of the common rooms. In all of the pupils’ rooms there is access to television. If you have your own television set in your room, are 18 years old or more, and registered as living at the boarding school, you are obliged to pay media licence fees.
If you are a resident in a Danish municipality, your registration address at home is still valid – also, when you are over 18 years – since, according to the regulations on civil registration, residence at a boarding school is defined as temporary absence from parents, as pupils spend their weekends and holidays at home with their parents.
If you are a resident abroad, including Greenland, Iceland, or the Faroe Islands, you must make sure to contact the proper authorities to obtain the documents needed in order to be registered in the Danish national register.
Episodes which need the attention of an insurance company might occur:
In case of accidents for which the boarding school is not legally liable, the boarding school pupil himself/herself carries the responsibility. Therefore, we recommend that you/your parents have a comprehensive family insurance and a personal accident insurance.
2.9 PETS
Pupils are not allowed to have pets in their rooms.
Pupils who are normally residents in Denmark must keep the doctor they have in their home area. If you get unwell or ill and need to see a doctor, one of the doctors in Nyborg can be consulted. Remember to have your Health Insurance Card with you.
Pupils who keep their registration address at home are expected to see their dentists during holidays. Acute treatments can be given in Nyborg.
Children and young people up to 18 years, moving to a municipality where they get registered can be enrolled in Nyborg municipal dental care. If you come from abroad, Greenland or the Faroe Islands and you are under 18, you are also covered by this service. See the website of Nyborg Municipality and / or contact your boarding school teachers.
See also under the subsection ‘absence and illness’.
2.11 KEYS
When moving in, you receive 1 key: a key piece. The key piece is for the the outer doors, your own room, the corridor kitchen, and for the room in the basement that can be used for drying your washing.
Do not lend your key to anyone.
If you lose your key, you are to pay 250 kroner for a new key.
When the holidays start and the boarding school closes, you have the possibility to leave your keys with the boarding school teacher on duty.
There are washing machines, tumblers, and rooms for drying one’s laundry available for the pupils in the basement of the boarding school. The washing machines have automatic soap containers. Payment for washing is done via SMS on your mobile. If you have a cell phone with prepaid cards or do not have a cell phone it is possible to buy laundry cards for the washing machines, that you put money on via internet. When you buy for the first time, you will pay 50 kroners in deposit which you get back when handing in your last wash card.
The soap used is allergy-tested.
Clothes must not be dried on radiators, in the corridors or in your room.
3. Facilities
Most of the rooms are single rooms. 5 of the rooms are doubles. The rooms are furnished so that each student has a bed and a mattress, a writing desk, a chair, a desk lamp, shelves, a cupboard, and a laundry basket.
All items are marked with the room number. The furniture may not be removed from the room throughout the year.
The bed should not be placed along the radiator. When vacating the boarding school, it is important that the desk is against the wall where the plug is located, and that the bed is along the opposite wall.
Only the notice boards may be used for pictures, posters etc. Drawing pins can be obtained from the boarding school teachers. There must not be hung anything on the room doors, the name plates must not be changed.
The room is your private domain but in special cases the staff may have to enter the room with-out your permission or knowledge. The special cases may be:
- The boarding school closes for holidays: the staff goes into every room to check that the light is off, the radiator is off, the window is closed, etc.
- Janitors / workers need to repair something.
- To check upon a student that has reported sick.
- A reasonable concern that a student needs to be contacted.
- A reason to believe a rule is being / has been violated.
You are at all times responsible for your room and for the things that go on in your room.
In case of damage to equipment, etc., you will be required to pay the costs of repairing the damage.
The windows are not designed to be leaned on and the windowsill should not be used as a bench. It is therefore not allowed to sit on the windowsill.
It is important to demonstrate good behavior in relation to your own and the other boarding school pupil’s safety.
There are baths and toilets on each corridor, each unit shared by three or four pupils.
The boarding school’s 3 kitchens are placed on 3 of the corridors and has the character of kitchenettes and can be used for snacks, tea or coffee.
Main meals should not be prepared in them. All main meals must be consumed in the dining hall. The corridor kitchens are locked every night at 22.00.
At the boarding school there are 3 corridor kitchens and also study rooms. Besides that, there are the dining hall and two common rooms with television sets. Besides that, there is a computerroom and a sewing room. A common room with a billiard table, a table football and an air hockey. There is also a The music room is located in the building across from the old building (green corridor).
At school there are sports and fitness facilities that boarding school students are allowed to use in their spare time. However, consent must be given from both the student and parents. You must also join a course, before you can get permission to use the facilities.
If you have a special storage need, you can apply for a locker, located in the basement (see section about lockers).
As a boarder, you, of course, share the responsibility of the common rooms of the boarding school and the items in them. The furniture may not be moved and the common rooms must always look clean and tidy. No food is allowed in the common areas. All dining must take place in the dining hall.
The common room in the basement is with a billiard table, a table football and an air hockey. For security reasons, only 15 people can stay in the room at a time.
You are welcome to use the common room in the basement, provided that you follow the given rules and guidelines for the room:
- The facilities must only be used by boarding school pupils and their guests. Guests are not allowed to be there on their own. MAX 15 people in the common room.
- The room is open weekly from 13.30 to 21.00. At the weekend from 10.00 to 21.00.
- Music is allowed, but not during homework time from 15.30 to 18.00. During the exam period music must not be played in the room. When music is played, the windows must be closed even if it is warm.
- Furnitures and equipment’s must not be removed from the room.
- Alcohol is not allowed in the room.
- Remember to clean up after yourself.
You are welcome to use the sports and fitness facilities at the school, provided that you have undergone an internal course and have the consent of your parents – this applies to students, both under and over 18 years. If you wish to make use of the offer, please contact the head of boarding school.
All training is done on your own responsibility, and you are always required to comply with the terms and instructions of the staff at Nyborg Gymnasium.
As a user of the school’s sports and fitness facilities, you are responsible for being in a state of health that is consistent with the use of sports facilities and fitness equipment.
Nyborg Gymnasium takes no responsibility for personal injury due to accidents, incorrect training or other users’ inadequate actions.
3.7.1 You must be 15 years old to exercise in fitness and use the sports facilities.
As a boarding school student, you must complete a consent statement, which must also be signed by your parents. Before that, you cannot be approved as a user of the facilities on your own.
The hall and fitness facilities can be used when there is no teaching and external use of the area.
You MUST leave the area, before 22:00. During the weekend, the facilities can be used from 8.00
and until 22.00.
The use of fitness facilities after school is only for boarding school students. You may NOT take others with you, to the area, without the permission of the boarding school teacher on duty. Your key is personal and may not be lent out to others!
We want everyone to have a good experience when training. Therefore, we expect a positive tone and with respect for each other. The staff’s instructions must be followed at all times and is indisputable.
Noise and rowdy behavior is not tolerated.
It is not allowed to eat food in the area (the hall and fitness area). It is allowed to bring something to drink.
Our equipment in the fitness area and in the hall must be treated with respect.
- Training must be done in sportswear intended for the purpose. There MUST be changed to indoor shoes before accessing the hall and fitness area. Exercise in outdoor shoes, barefoot, socks and cowboy trousers are not allowed.
- It is not permitted to exercise shirt less or only wearing sports bra.
- Our equipment in the fitness area and in the hall must be treated with respect.
- Only use the equipment for the exercises they are intended for.
- When using weights, weight plates and bars, etc., the special layer on the floor must be used.
- Hand weights, weight plates, bars, etc., MUST first be released when it touches the floor.
- Do not block a machine between the sets – let others using the machine.
- Remember to clean the machines after use – there is cleaner and paper.
- The equipment MUST be placed in its correct place after use.
- The equipments MUST NOT be taken out from fitness area and hall.
- If you want to listen to music, use headphones.
- Mobile calls should be restricted for the sake of other users.
- It is not allowed to take pictures or videos of other users without their prior consent
- Doping is not allowed.
- Smoking or alcohol are not permitted.
All training is done at your own risk!
Violation of these rules and / or the Gymnasium’s general rules and with the staff’s instructions may result in warning, exclusion for use of the area or, at worst, expulsion from Nyborg Gymnasium.
In the building opposite the dining room, the boarding school has a music room in the basement, where it is possible to play the boarding school’s or your own musical instruments. You are welcome to use the music room, provided that you follow the given rules and regulations for the room:
- The music room is open on weekdays and Sunday between 16.00 and 21.30. On Friday you can be there until 22.00. On Saturday the opening times are from 09.00 to 22.00. To be able to use the room, you need to borrow a key, which is handed out by the responsible boarding school teacher.
- It is just the boarding school pupils allowed to use the room.
- Instruments and equipment must not be removed from the room.
- When music is played, the door must always be closed.
- When you leave the room, it shall always be tidy and instruments and equipment etc. shall be put back in place.
- If you let your own instrument stay in the room, this is at your own risk.
Pupils may use the refrigerators in the kitchens. The boarding school does not take the responsibility of items stored in the refrigerators.
Refrigerators/freezers, coffee machines and electric kettles etc. are not allowed in the pupils’ rooms. There is an electric kettle and a coffee machine in the kitchens as well as a coffee machine and an electric kettle in the dining hall, which can be used until 22.00.
If you, for instance, take medicine that must be kept cool, you can store it in the refrigerator in the teachers’ office.
The boarding school has rooms in the basement, where boarders can store items. We have both individual lockers and common storage rooms, separate for each corridor, used for both hang-drying laundry and storing furniture and other items during the summer vacation. The use of these rooms in the basement is at one’s own risk since the school does not have any insurance covering potential damage or theft.
Boarders who come from afar, have a prior right to a storage room. In order to get a storage room, you should contact the boarding school teachers.
4. Moving in and out
When moving into the boarding school, you are to sign an inventory list. It is important that you make sure that the items listed correspond to the contents of your room.
In the summer holiday all the rooms are given a thorough cleaning and maintenance. Pupils must therefore remove all their possessions and take them home. If it is difficult for you to take your possessions home, you can store them in one of the lockers in the basement.
The pupils who return to the boarding school after the summer holiday can apply for a specific room for the following year. You will be informed about this when time is due.
Your own duvet, pillow, bed linen, net cable, towels and hangers for your clothes and pins for the notice board in the room.
It should be mentioned that it is not allowed to have a mini-fridge, electric kettle, coffee machine or similar in the room.
Whether you return after the summer holiday or leave the boarding school for good, you must empty your room, check the inventory list together with a teacher and hand in your keys.
If you move out of the boarding school earlier than expected, you must inform the boarding school by filling in a form that can be obtained from the school secretary Sharon Austin at the school’s office.
There is two month’s notice running from the first day of the month.
5. Duties
To maintain a good indoor climate, you must be aware of ventilating your room.
One of the biggest threats to a healthy indoor climate is dampness. The worst may be in the winter, where many close the windows and turn up the heat.
You have the responsibility to take care to maintain good indoor air quality of your own room, and in bathrooms when taking a shower. It is important, in terms of your health, to take care of the building / fixtures.
To combat a humid room and inconveniences in general, the paramount weapon is to ventilate, ventilate, ventilate!
Condensation on the inside of the window and the lower edge of the windowpane against the woodwork is a sign of high humidity.
We expect that you at least start and finish the day with airing out for five minutes at a time.
In addition, it is extra important to air out the room when the humidity increases.
In the event that there is condensation on the inside of the window and in the pane’s bottom edge, wipe it off with a dry cloth.
Also, remember to ventilate the bathroom after you have showered.
You must keep track of your own room.
Up to holidays, there is housecleaning, where the room should be cleaned, trash emptied, the window must be closed, the heat should be turned down and the lights off before you leave. If you do not keep a certain standard, you will be regularly checked by boarding school teachers.
In case of damage to equipment, etc., you will be required to pay the costs of repairing the damage.
Always remember to clean up after you have used the common rooms. Show consideration for your fellow boarders. If you do not clean up after yourself, it may result in sanctions.
The common room in the basement is with a billiard table, a table football and an air hockey. For security reasons, only 15 people can stay in the room at a time.
You are welcome to use the common room in the basement, provided that you follow the given rules and guidelines for the room:
- The facilities must only be used by boarding school pupils and their guests. Guests are not allowed to be there on their own. MAX 15 people in the common room.
- The room is open weekly from 13.30 to 21.00. At the weekend from 10.00 to 21.00.
- Music is allowed, but not during homework time from 15.30 to 18.00. During the exam period music must not be played in the room. When music is played, the windows must be closed even if it is warm.
- Furnitures and equipment’s must not be removed from the room.
- Alcohol is not allowed in the room.
- Remember to clean up after yourself.
5.4 House Duty
Two pupils, a week at a time, have house duty. The teachers draw up the roster of the house duty orderlies and pin it on the notice board at the main entrance.
The pupils on house duty have an important role during the week and in the weekend and cannot leave the boarding school to go home etc. The pupils have duties in relation to lunch and dinner in the weekdays and to the meals on the weekend as well as supervision of the daily cleaning up in the common living areas. The duties are carried out in collaboration with the practical assistants.
It is in no way permitted to ‘sell’ your house duty to another student as it violates our values – we help and join the community on an equal base. You can swap your duty or help for free. You can swap your duty or help for free. In the event of changes, you must meet in person at the boarding school teachers office.
Failure to carry out one’s duty will lead to disciplinary action.
Every year a number of second – or third – year pupils are employed as practical assistants.
They help with practical tasks in connection with the meals at the boarding school, and help with assignments at special events etc.
The practical assistants are paid as B-income.
6. Important means of communication
You MUST check Lectio every day as it is an essential means of communication between the gymnasium, the boarding school, and the pupils. Changes and important information on your daily schedule as well as assignments, attendance record, the schedule of the boarding school teachers, and messages from teachers and Heads of departments can be found on Lectio.
The notice boards respectively in the entrance hall and dining room are meant for important information and messages from the boarding school and the gymnasium and you need to check this notice board regularly.
7. Digital Behaviour
At the Boarding School, we use social media, the internet and mobile phones and this is done with respect for other people and after carefulconsideration. Consequently, we do not accept any misconduct via these media.
Social media challenge the boundary for when the private becomes public, and the public becomes private.
The new technological possibilities lead to new ways of socializing. Although the potential of social media is great, so is the risk of losing control with the tone of communication, pictures, videos and everything else you may want to share.
Being subject to bullying via social media and/or having offensive pictures or videos posted against one’s will, may have significant psychological or social consequences and may affect the well-being and learning of the person
Every action on the internet has consequences – for you and for others – since the traces remain. The internet never forgets!
At the Boarding School, we are all committed to our shared responsibility and the following guidelines apply:
- Everyone has the right to privacy.
- When using the internet, you are expected to do this with respect for other people, with their differences, norms and points of view. There must be respect for the individual student, mutual respect between students, and respect between students and staff.
- It is under no circumstances allowed to harass/bully, neither on or off the internet. Such actions show a lack of respect!
- It is not permitted to share a picture or a video without consent. The person(s) appearing on a picture or video always have the right to say no.
- Receiving a picture or a video does not imply that consent has been given to share it with others.
Unacceptable behavior on the internet will be sanctioned and may in severe cases result in expulsion from the Boarding School.
Unlawful activities will be reported to the police. To share without consent may be punishable by law and may result in a prison sentence.
8. Contact and cooperation with parents
We emphasize the importance of a good contact between the Boarding School and the home of our students.
Depending on the need, we work closely together with the family to ensure that information is communicated. Parents are always welcome to contact the Head of Boarding School, the Boarding School staff and/or the Principal.
The Boarding School relies on the parents to familiarize themselves with the role of, and limitations applying for, the Boarding School staff, and that the parents from the beginning of the stay support the activities and norms of the staff.
Should parents persist in expressing a lack of confidence in the Boarding School or a lack of support for the work of the staff, the Boarding School reserves the right to terminate the stay at the Boarding School.
When applying for a Boarding School place, the parents declare themselves to be in agreement with the values, principles, and rules and regulations of the Boarding School.
By applying to the Boarding school, the student gives his/her consent, allowing any important information regarding their school attendance and stay at the Boarding School to be shared with parents/guardians. This applies irrespective of age.
We will continuously post relevant information on our website and send out information as required.
We strive to keep the school’s website updated with the latest news.
In addition, it is possible to follow life at the Boarding School via facebook: Nyborg Gymnasium – Kostskolen/The boarding school.
9. Activities, get-togethers and special events
During the year there are a number of events for the boarding school pupils and staff: Introductory Party, Halloween, Christmas and Awards and farewell party etc. The parties represent a tradition and are important for good fellowship at the boarding school and you are expected to take part in them.
The boarding school parties and events are only for boarding school students. Guests are not allowed to participate.
There is an annual Graduation Dinner for graduating pupils and their parents.
The dates for these events appear on the boarding school calendar which can be found on the web page of the boarding school and at the notice board at the main entrance.
There are also café nights, cinema tours, sports and music events.
In their leisure time the pupils have access to;
- the sports and fitness facilities. You need instruction to the use of the facilities.
- the boarding school’s music room which is fully equipped with sound systems etc. Before using the music room, you need instructions in the use of the sound system etc.
- pupils who have chosen visual arts as a B-level-course can use the school’s art room.
The boarding school has several board games etc. that you borrow against deposit (mobile phone, driving licence, etc.), table football, air hockey and a billiard table.
The teacher on duty will lend you the keys to the amenities (the music room, the art room, and the sports facilities). The key must be returned to the teacher no later than 22.00.
The school’s extra-curricular activities after normal school hours in drama, sport, music, and choir practise are also good ways of spending leisure time. The many sports and cultural amenities for young people offered by the Municipality of Nyborg are also open to you. Information on these can be obtained from the boarding school teachers.
The boarding school is not the place to “pre-party” before parties at the gymnasium. In other words: alcohol cannot be consumed at the boarding school when a party is arranged at the gymnasium.
If you are going to a party at the gymnasium, you must leave the boarding school by 21.00. on the evening in question. On these occasions the boarding school front doors will be locked at 21.00.
From 21.00, you can use the boarding school’s front door, using your key.
10. Quiet
10.1 QUIET
When listening to music or watching television, you must not disturb those living next to, above, and under you. Music, radio, and television must be turned off after 22.00. If you return to the boarding school after 22.00 you must avoid making noise.
Acoustic and electronic instruments cannot be played in the rooms of pupils but must be taken to the boarding school’s music room.
As a rule: Refrain from being noisy when you are in the corridors, in pupils’ rooms and in the common areas. Show consideration for your fellow boarders.
Between 15.30 and 17.30, when pupils are studying, there must be absolute quiet in the boarding school. In examination periods or when pupils are engaged in writing major assignments, there must be quiet throughout the day.
The common room in the basement and the piano room are locked in the study hours mentioned above. In examination periods and periods of major assignments the rooms are open from 18.00 till 21.00.
Music cannot be played in your room in the study hours. Homework is most effective if you study alone in your room or in a group in the study room or the dining hall.
On all weekdays there must be quiet for the night at 22.30.
11A. Alcohol and drug policy
The boarding school’s alcohol and drugs policy aims to prevent all students from becoming addicted to drugs and, consequently, not finishing their education successfully.
The use of alcohol and drugs carries a high health risk and results in inability to concentrate in school as well as physical and mental addiction.
The boarding school is the place where you live, while you take your education. The boarding school is a special place, as 150 young persons are living together. It gives us a special responsibility, and therefore we have a few but specific rules in relation to alcohol, drugs and other intoxicants.
We want to maintain a safe and responsible environment for those living at the boarding school, and therefore we expect you to have a sensible and responsible attitude towards alcohol. We will in no way tolerate drugs and other euphoriants as part of the culture and life at the boarding school, nor of life outside the boarding school.
A stay at the boarding school requires that you have a sensible and responsible attitude to alcohol both at the boarding school and outside the boarding school area.
We also do not allow you to drink alcohol outside the boarding school on days up to a school day. This also applies to exam periods and is the same for everyone, whether you have a school day, an exam or not. You are part of the community at the boarding school and must display respect for yourself and the others by following the plan for school days and exam periods.
We have the rule that alcohol may not be consumed at the boarding school during the week and in the exam periods as well as days when there are events or a party at the school. It is forbidden even to keep wine, beer and spirits as well as empty alcohol containers at the boarding school. Fridays and Saturday’s alcohol can be consumed if the teacher on duty permits it. Boarders need to come with a list of those who will participate and in which room. If there are visitors, this must be reported at once to the responsible boarding school teacher. The teacher on duty will decide how many may attend and the amount of alcohol permitted. Wine, beer and soft drink alcohol are permitted alcoholic drinks. At 22.00 all should be cleaned up and there must be quiet. All alcohol and empty containers be removed at latest 10 .00 the next day. At the parties of the boarding school, the principal is the one who decides if alcohol can be drunk.
The types of alcohol that are allowed at the boarding school in moderate quantities are beer, wine and mixers (such as Bacardi Breezers).
The boarding school parties and events are only for boarding school students. Guests are not allowed to participate!
If a pupil breaks the boarding school rules on alcohol, it will result in sanctions. Repeated and serious breach of the board’s alcohol rules will result in permanent expulsion from the boarding school.
It is strictly forbidden to use, be in possession of, sell or pass on narcotic drugs, or other intoxicants e.g., mushrooms, solvents, or doping substances on the premises of the boarding school. Throughout the period, where a student is enrolled as a boarder, the storage, consumption, or use of illegal substances is strictly prohibited, no matter whether such substances are handled or consumed at the boarding school, at home or any other places. A violation of these rules will result in permanent expulsion from the boarding school and potentially the reporting of the case to the police.
Drug testing
During the intire period a student lives at the boarding school, it is forbidden to store, use or handle euphoriant drugs of any kind, irrespective of whether tey ar taken at the boarding school, home or anther place.
If there is suspicion that a student has used norcotics or other intoxicants, the boarding school teachers can repuest the student to voluntarily participate in a test. In such a case parents will be contacted.
If a boarding school student resists a test for narcotics or other intoxicants, it will be seen as a serious trangression of the boarding school rules and could have cnsepuences for the enrolment of the student at the boarding scholl.
Throughout the period in which you are a boarder, storage, dealing or consumption with any kind of drugs is forbidden, whether it is taken at the boarding school, at home or elsewhere.
If there is suspicion that a student has used narcotics or other intoxicants, the boarding school teachers can request the student to voluntarily paricipate in af test. In such a case parents will be contacted.
If a boarding school student resists a test for narcotics or other intoxicants, it will be seen as a serious transgression of the boarding school rules and could have consequences for the enreolment of the student at the boarding school.
The use of sniffer dog
The boarding school has signed an agreement with a private security company that has permission to use dogs as part of the security guard services at the boarding school. If there is reasonable suspicion of the presence of banned substances on the boarding school premises, and at occasional spot checks, security guards specially traind dogs will search the premises without prior warning. If the response of the dog gives management reason for closer inspection of a student or room, and the student does not vountarily wish to co-oprerate, then management will request the assintance of the police instead.
It is the duty of the boarding school staff to react if a pupil behaves in conflict with the boarding school drug policy.
In case of infringement of the boarding school rules on drugs, the pupil is expelled from the boarding school and told to move out immediately. The case will be reported also to the police.
The boarding school’s preventive measures take their point of departure in rendering visible the risks and consequences of drug abuse, including information on how to seek help. The know-ledge about and the stand points on drugs will be discussed in the introductory weeks.
The boarding school participates in the work of the SSP in Nyborg. SSP is a crime preventing co-operation between school, counsellors, the department of social services and the police. Through this co-operation, the boarding school aims to help establish a general practice which fights criminal activities related to the use of drugs among young people.
Smoking is prohibited in the boarding school´s cadastral. Do not smoke inside the building nor outside the building.
Smoking must not take place in the school area, visible from school or at the expense of school residents. This also applies to water pipes, e-cigarettes, snus and the like.
11B Weapon or weapon-like objects
It is not permitted to use, store or be in possession of weapons or weapon-like objects on the premises of the boarding school. For security reasons, all forms of use, storage and possession of pepper spray etc. are also forbidden on the premises of the boarding school.
12. Weekends, guests and holidays
In order to uphold the well-being and welfare of the boarding school pupils, it is important for us to know that everybody is safe and sound. Therefore, you need to inform the teachers if
- you do not stay overnight at the boarding school.
- you have guests staying overnight.
The rule applies both during normal school hours and during the examination period.
Every week you need to fill in the weekend list, no later than Wednesday afternoon at the pupils meeting.
The weekend list hangs on the bulletin board in the dining hall. The list must be filled in no matter whether you stay at the boarding school in the weekend or leave to stay with your parents or someone else. If you go somewhere else but your parents’, it is important that you complete a travel notice where you write your name, address and telephone number of the person you are visiting.
In case you change your mind during the weekend and leave the boarding school, you must fill in a travel form and notify the teacher on duty.
If you must travel home or elsewhere during the week or if you have corrections to your weekend list, you need to fill in a travel form which can be found in the bureau by the teacher’s table in the dining hall. You place the completed travel form in the holder by the bureau.
You must be back at the boarding school on Sunday evening. If you cannot be back by Sunday, it is important that you inform / call the teacher on duty.
If you wish to stay the night at an address other than your parents’, you must have your parents’ permission to do so.
When you fill in the weekend list and the travel forms, we trust that you have your parents’ permission to stay the night elsewhere.
Completing the weekend list and travel announcements as well as informing changes to the information you have provided is an important part of security for the individual as well as for the entire community at boarding school and must be taken very seriously. Each student is responsible for passing on the right information to the boarding school staff.
Every time you come back from a weekend stay somewhere else or have spent a night somewhere else on a weekday, you MUST approach the boarding school teacher PERSONALLY and tell that you are back.
We have few but clear rules at the boarding school – also when it comes to informing the boarding school about your whereabouts. As a boarding school pupil, you play a part in a binding community and you are responsible, in co-operation with the teachers and the other pupils, for creating a good and safe environment for everybody. Therefore, it is of outmost importance that you tell us if you decide to spend the night elsewhere.
Lack of information will result in sanctions.
Every week we check the presence of the pupils at the boarding school. This happens in the middle of the week on Wednesday, as well as up to the weekend on Fridays.
On Sundays, we have a clear expectation that every pupil who is either enrolled to attend boarding school in the weekend or will be returning during Sunday will come by and say ‘hi’ to the boarding school teacher on duty. If you first return on eg Monday, you have of course filled in a travel form and will come by and say hi when you return on Monday.
If a boarding school pupil is not at the boarding school on Sunday, Wednesday and / or Friday and he/she has not filled in a travel form or weekend list, we will contact the parents or contact person.
We have few but clear-cut rules at the boarding school – also when it comes to informing the boarding school about your whereabouts. As a boarding school pupil, you play a part in a binding community and you are responsible, in co-operation with the teachers and the other pupils, for creating a good and safe environment for everybody. Therefore, it is of outmost importance that you tell us if you decide to spend the night elsewhere.
Lack of information will result in sanctions.
On Wednesday evening at the latest, you sign up for the weekend meals via the weekend list. Have you signed up for the meal, you will, of course, participate in it. Are you prevented from participating, you need to tell the teacher on duty.
Your guests may only be in the boarding school if you yourself are present and may not borrow your keys. On weekdays guests are welcome from 13.30. Weekend guests are welcome from 08.00. Guests must leave the boarding school by 23.00. latest, both weekdays and weekends.
Your parents are always welcome. They must be reported as guests if they stay overnight at the boarding school and / or participate in meals.
You may invite guests and your parents to meals and to stay overnight in the weekends. You cannot have guests staying overnight during the week.
If you wish to have a guest staying overnight in the weekend, you must fill in a guest form no later than Wednesday evening. If your guest will eat along, you must fill in a request form and submit it to the boarding school teacher no later than Wednesday 18.00. The form can be obtained from the teacher on duty to whom you also pay for your guest’s meals when you return the completed form. Yon can only pay cash.
The prices are given on the guest form. No more than 12 guests may stay overnight at the boarding school.
Overnight guests must bring their own bed linen. The boarding school has a limited number of mattresses that may be borrowed. No guests are allowed during the first 14 days of the school year when the primary object is for the pupils to get to know one another.
Guests may not participate in the boarding school parties.
The boarding school is closed during the autumn holiday, the Christmas holiday, the winter holiday, the Easter holiday, and the summer holiday. The boarding school closes at 16.00 on the last school day before the holidays and opens again at 16.00. the day before the first school day. If you do not go home in the holiday, the boarding school must be informed and you need to fill in a travel form carrying the address of your whereabouts.
13. Absence and illness
If you must travel home or elsewhere, you must complete a travel form (see Travel Form) and give it to the teacher on duty.
If you are unable to return within the agreed period you must always inform the teacher on duty, and, likewise, when you return to the boarding school you must inform the teacher that you are back.
If you wish to stay the night away from the boarding school, you need your parents’ permission.
If you wake up ill, you must inform the house assistant or the boarding school teacher on duty before 07.30. Likewise, if you become ill throughout the day, you need to tell the house assistant or the teacher on duty. This is also the case if you must leave school due to illness.
It is important that you address the house assistant or teacher in person.
If you are ill more than one day, you must show up in the morning on each of the days and inform the house assistant or teacher on duty.
The house assistant and the teacher will keep an eye on you during your illness. You need to account for your absence from school via Lectio.
When ill, we expect you to stay in your room, take good care of yourself, and reduce the risk of infecting your fellow boarders.
Pupils frequently absent without permission will be put on an ‘absence list’ and are required to report, fully dressed, to the teacher on duty every morning no later than 07.30 in the dining room. During school hours these pupils are only allowed to be at the boarding school in the lunch break. They can stay only at the gymnasium and may not come back to the boarding school before 14.00.
Regular attendance at school is a prerequisite for living at the boarding school. Pupils who continue to be absent without grounds will in effect ensure their expulsion from both the boarding school and the school.
If you are in need of consulting a doctor, you can:
- contact your own doctor if your address is at the boarding school
- see your doctor at your parents’ place if you have kept the doctor in your home area or consult a doctor in Nyborg.
The out-of-hours medical service is to be contacted by phone when the doctor’s clinic is closed.
The out-of-hours medical service is open on weekdays from 16.00 until 08.00 and all day and night on Saturdays and Sundays. Remember that you will need your Health Insurance Card when you call the out-of-hours medical service.
The phone number of the out-of-hours medical service in Southern Denmark is: 70110707
We expect to be informed by you and your parents if you have a physical illness and / or a mental health problem. It is in your own interest. It is important that we are informed if you are in treatment and / or taking medication.
If it is a disease or condition that affects your schooling and leads to absenteeism, we must have a medical certificate.
If you have some kind of food allergy or intolerance it is important that you have a medical certificate. Refer to the section on food allergies / intolerance.
As a principle, you see to your own transportation if you need to go to the doctor’s. But if you are incapable of getting to the doctor, the boarding school will arrange the necessary transportation. This must be arranged with the boarding school teacher on duty.
* This covers transportation of patients to the emergency room, hospital, or doctor’s and back.
If you have an accident or fall ill suddenly during normal school hours, you must contact the school’s office. Outside school hours the boarding school teacher on duty will help you.
The boarding school has the basic first-aid items – such as pain killers, band aid, ice bags, thermometer etc. Prescription drugs and other things beside the above you need to buy yourself.
Nyborg’s Municipal Dental Service gives free preventive and acute treatment to persons under the age of 18. Persons under the age of 18 who move to Nyborg and District and are registered there have the opportunity to contact the dental service. Persons from abroad, including Greenland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands, are also included in this service. For more information: see the web page of Nyborg Municipality and/or contact the boarding school teachers.
14. Meetings and committees
The boarding school values a democratic structure of pupils’ committees. We find that it is important that the pupils have influence on the decisions which are made and which influence the daily life of the boarding school.
Every year we appoint committees of pupils and teachers whose focus is the daily well-being of the pupils, the introduction of new pupils, IT, parties, leisure time activities, and special arrangements. Meetings are held regularly in these committees as are meetings for all boarding school pupils and corridor meetings.
In the pupils’ meetings all pupils participate. They are convened at least once every three months by the head of the boarding school when they need to impart information to all pupils. The pupils’ meetings are held in the dining hall
Attendance is obligatory!
The pupils on each of the boarding school’s 6 corridors (yellow, blue, red, green, purple and orange) holds a number of meetings with the teacher attached to the corridor during the school year. The teacher will convene the meeting. At the meeting questions will be discussed and decisions taken with regard to the social life of the pupils of the corridor. Likewise, matters for further discussion in the Welfare Committee are taken up.
The pupils’ representatives take the minutes of the meeting and present them in the Welfare Committee.
Attendance is obligatory!
The Welfare Committee consists of the two pupils’ representatives of each corridor and the head of the boarding school. The object of the Welfare Committee is to discuss matters of common interest of all boarding school pupils.
The head of the boarding school will convene the meeting and presides over it. The agenda is to discuss the subjects produced at the corridor meetings.
A pupil writes the minutes and the teacher puts them on Lectio. The members of the committee meet approximately once a month.
Attendance is obligatory!
15. The boarding school teachers’ team
Two things are essential for the life and work at the boarding school: One is respect for your studies at the gymnasium as your studies are the prerequisite for living at the boarding school. The other thing is the mutual tolerance and respect for your fellow boarders which is required for 200 young people to live beneath the same roof and feel good and at home. The individual pupil must feel safe and, at the same time, be secured good opportunities for personal development. These are things we believe in and wish to encourage. Freedom with responsibility might be considered an empty phrase by some, but at the boarding school we give meaning to the phrase.
In the values described above and in the rules of the boarding school the work of the five boarding school teachers is founded.
Every weekday from 14.00 until 08.00 in the morning on the following day, one from the boarding schools’ teachers’ team is on duty. In the weekends and in the holidays where the boarding school is open, the teachers are on duty all day and night.
The work schedule of the teachers can be found on the web page of the boarding school and in lectio.
The teacher on duty supervises the pupils when it comes to house rules, meals, and absence from school. Moreover, the boarding school teachers help with homework, personal issues, and other practical and social issues. Together with the pupils they plan activities at the school during the week and weekends and in connection with the traditions of the boarding school.
You can borrow keys from the teacher on duty for the different facilities at the boarding school, as well as board games and sports gear.
Thus, you can address the teachers on small and big issues: homework, practical matters, and personal problems.
16. The boarding school kitchen; food and nutritional policy
Good basic ingredients, organic food, a wide-ranging menu, Danish traditions as well as inspiration from the whole world are only a few of the basic components of the meals of the boarding school pupils.
The kitchen staff consists of nutritional assistants, apprentices, cooks and a chef. They are all educated within the field of nutrition and catering and cook appetizing and healthy food for the boarding school pupils.
The boarding school’s nutrition and education assistant has a special task of supervising the pupils in the period during the day where there are no teachers on duty. She assists pupils who are ill etc. Besides that, she helps the serving of meals in the dining rooms.
Nyborg Gymnasium has a canteen and a boarding school kitchen which daily cooks the meals for the pupils and the teachers of the school as well as for the boarding school pupils. Therefore, we feel greatly responsible for offering healthy food.
The kitchen staff have developed a food policy.
16.4 Organic food
Our starting point is to serve as much organic food as possible. It is our goal that 75% of our purchased goods are organic. Once a week, the meat we serve is organic.
We priorities’ organic and fresh commodities purchased when in season. We use only organic butter, milk, cream and eggs. The majority of our cheeses are organic.
16.5 Sustainability
We wish to contribute to a more sustainable community. Therefore we’ve introduced a meatless day.
16.6 Season
The Danish season plays a major role in our planning of the menu and in the purchasing of different goods.
16.7 Locally
We focus on Danish and local commodities. Yet it is crucial that it is quality goods as quality is our first priority.
16.8 Food
The meals will be made from scratch when it is possible. It must taste good, look good and be well cooked. Daily, we aim to make good food with fresh vegetables. We are certainly not scared of fat, but we use fats in reasonable amounts. The taste of the food is always first in line.
16.9 Fish
We serve fish at least once a week.
16.10 Bread
We are crazy about bread and bake with sour dough and tons of organic flour. Rye bread and wheat bread are baked every day. We make our own flour out of whole grain, whenever it is possible. We bake the bread in a stone oven, so the taste, crumb and the crust are optimal.
16.11 Menu
We listen to the wishes of our consumers. We will of course make favourites, theme weeks and traditional dishes, whenever it is possible. It is important for us to be responsive when it comes to the wishes and ideas of our consumers.
16.12 Serving
We strive to establish a warm and welcome setting to the meals. Serving should be positive and unpretentious. The service level will always be high and with a smile.
16.13 Food waste
We aim to avoid food waste. All the time we optimise our working methods, so food waste can be minimised. The consumer will be involved in this process, so they are aware of their own food waste. We intend potentially to use rewards in order to increase the purchasing of organic food.
16.14 Professionalism
Professionalism is in the driver’s seat, and we will always strengthen the employees’ competence through courses and education. We positively relate to constructive feedback and aim to use it to develop our menus and physical capabilities.
Vegetarian meals are on offer. If you are a vegetarian and want to take advantage of the offer, you must register thereto by contacting the leader of the boarding school.
Vegetarian meals are only made for those who are enrolled in the scheme.
If at any time you wish to opt out of the scheme and want to be able to eat the regular meals, you need to unsubscribe vegetarian dishes. Do not hesitate to opt out of a vegetarian diet. You can not be enrolled in both the regular meals and the vegetarian dishes. It is either-or.
You subscribe / unssubscribe yourself on the 1st of each month.
If you have a hypersensitivity to food – allergy or intolerance – it is important that you inform us of this.
We request to receive a medical certificate, and then the kitchen, so far as possible, will try to meet your specific needs.
If you are unable to attend the boarding school meals because of exams or another school-related event, it is possible to get a packed lunch to take with you. The packed lunch must be booked the day before, no later than 12.00. If you need to have a packed lunch with you on a Monday, you must request so no later than Friday 12.00. You order lunch by contacting the domestic help, that helps in the dining hall. In the exam period a lunch pack list is hanging on the bulletin board on which you can write your name.
If you have ordered a packed lunch, you cannot participate in the meal that the packed lunch is replacing.
16.18 MEALS
All meals are to be eaten in the dining hall. In other words, you must not take food out of the dining room.
During the weekdays, from Monday until Friday:
Breakfast: 07.15 – 08.00.
Lunch: 11.30 – 12.00: warm meal.
Evening: 18.00 – 18.45: buffet. One week evening a hot or warm dinner is served.
Afternoon: 14.00 – 17.00: bread, coffee and tea in the dining hall
Late evening: coffee, tea, and bread in the dining hall.
In the weekends:
Brunch between 09.00 and 12.00. In the afternoon, salad or cold cuts are served and in the evenings is a hot supper at 18.00 to 18.45.
Every Monday, the weekly menu plan is posted on the notice board in the dining room, in both Danish and English.
When you are in the dining hall, you should be dressed decently and have shoes on.
We have an expectation that you speak Danish or English along with the others, when you are in the dining hall.
It is not permitted to sit on the tables.
When you’re finished eating, you should take your dinner service (glass, plate etc.) And your waste with you and put the chair in place.
If you are sitting and doing homework in the dining room, it is important that you take your computer, books etc. with you when you are done. Do not leave it on the table / windowsill overnight. The employees should be able to have access to clean.
17. Payment of boarding school fees
- Boarding school fees can be found on the school’s homepage:
- In connection with the application for admission to the boarding school, there must be for students under 18, given information about the economic conditions that are required for calculating fee payment. The order on admission of boarders and student payment for boarding accommodation at high school educational institutions of the IIth. December 2006 § 4 pcs. 2, gives the school permission to obtain information on the income of the parents and the boarding pupil. Tax Citizens of Greenland, the Faroe Islands and abroad must provide documentation from the tax authorities.
- In the absence of well documented information about revenues, the school is entitled to charge the maximum fee for payment.
- It is the student’s parents, who are required to pay the full boarding fee charge. This applies even if the student is over 18 years old.
- Payment for boarding takes place monthly in advance and on the first of the month. Payment can be made through bank or post office. Payment is for the months of August to June. For late payment there is charged a fee of 100 kr.
- Notice of termination must be given two months in advance valid from Ist. in a month. There must be paid fees for the month in which the termination comes and the two subsequent months.
- If the boarding fee payment is not paid, the boarding school is entitled to expel the student.
- If a student is expelled from the boarding school, the rule under point 6 come into force. In case of expulsion from the boarding school, the student and / or parents have breached the agreement / cooperation and must therefore follow the same rules as everyone else who leaves before time.
18. The environment
As we at the boarding school find that it is important to show responsibility towards the environment, we urge you to do the following:
- switch off the light, switch off your computer.
- save water, fill up the washing machine and, if possible, do your laundry together with a friend.
- save on the use of the tumbler and line dry your clothes instead.
- use the boxes for recycling paper.
- used batteries can can be handed to the boarding school teacher on duty.