Information about the handling of Covid-19 at Nyborg Gymnasium and the new guidelines

At the present time everyone is following the updates in relation to the so-called Coronavirus. The situation is developing all the time, therefore you can follow what we as a school are doing to minimize the risk of infection and what this means for all students. We follow the development and act from the Danish Health Authority and Ministry of Education’s guidelines. We will continuously update our website if there are any changes in the situation.

January 2022: New guidelines and restrictions

The Corona-procedures at Nyborg Gymnasium (can also be seen on the frontpage of Lectio: 

1. On suspicion of infection, or if you are a close contact, you must contact the hotline of the health authorities to get an evaluation of whether you are allowed to go to school. 

2. If you are tested positive, you must immediately send a SMS to the Principal of the school at phone number (+45) 29737472. In the SMS, you must state the following: full name, class, time for test result, and when you have last been at school. Then the Principal or the school office will send a SMS to your teachers and classmates, encouraging them to get tested. NOTE: If you live at boarding school, you must also send the SMS to the Head of Boarding School at phone number (+45) 30701807, and then you must contact the staff on duty at boarding. Subsequently, you must contact those, who you consider having been your close contacts. You are NOT ALLOWED to go to school, if you are tested positive. 

3. According to the new guidelines from the Danish health authorities, everyone in school is considered an “other contact” (you are only a “close contact” to persons in your own home). If you are an “other contact” to  a classmate who is infected, then it is recommended that you take a quick test as soon as possible after the latest contact, and then again on day 4 after the latest contact with the infected person. So you are allowed to stay in school, but you must take the test as soon as you can. If you have any questions, please contact the corona tracking. 

Read more about close and other contacts here (in Danish): 


19 December 2021: New guidelines and restrictions

There are new restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of infection – including in the night and cultural life. As a follow-up on the new restrictions, the Ministry of Children and Education has sent out new guidelines for institutions of youth education. Here it is stated that the following measures are implemented in the period from 19 December 2021 to 17 January 2022:

  • All students and employees at institutions of youth education must wear face masks or visor when moving about the school’s common areas. This is not a requirement during teaching or exams.
  • Two weekly Corona screening tests are recommended for students and employees.
  • A recommendation to organise the teaching in fixed classes (to the extent that this is compatible with conducting ordinary teaching, etc.).
  • An encouragement to cancel any major social events.

The new and key aspect is that face masks are re-introduced, but most of the students have tried this before. So, when they start again, they must wear face masks when moving about the school, and they can only remove the face mask when seated in their classes. Please bring own face masks for the start-up period.

At the same time, we have to try to avoid mixing across classes and are currently planning to have elective and language subjects in the Danish programmes taught as virtual modules. Student in the Danish programmes will hear more about this. In Pre-IB and IB, we are not organised in separate classes in the same way, and we will continue with physical, face-to-face classes in all subjects, since we cannot otherwise carry out the teaching. We are also temporarily closing down the possibility for eating in FoodCamp, so students have to eat in their classes.

Finally – and very importantly – we have decided to run virtual teaching only on 3 and 4 January, so that everyone has a chance to be tested after New Year’s Eve, and so that we have time to prepare everything to receive you back at school. Right now, all employees are on holiday, and we need time to set the above in motion.

NOTE: 3i students are the only ones who are meeting in physically on 3 and 4 January, since they have their mock exams.

Everyone living at boarding school must return Sunday 2 January, and then follow virtual teaching from their rooms.

On 5 January, we are re-opening with ordinary, face-to-face teaching, face masks and checking of Corona passports. Furthermore, we will be testing all students during the first few days to be on the safe side. However, we strongly appeal to all to get tested before meeting in physically at school – both those who are vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Covid-19 – rules and restrictions

10 December 2021: New guidelines

The government and the Epidemics Commission established by the Danish Ministry of Health recommends that primary school students are sent home from 15 December and do not return until 5 January. This includes our 10th grade students at NG. For Pre-IB and IB, the consequence may be that there most likely will be a limited number of virtual modules just before and after the Christmas break.

The Prime Minister furthermore presented the recommendations by the Epidemics Commission to limit social events, parties and Christmas dinners, etc. This NG have already done, and the final Christmas send-off in the multi hall, where all students should have spent 20-30 minutes together, will now be Christmas “hygge” in the classes.

All should plan for being tested in the days before school start on 3 January – even if you are fully vaccinated.

You can finde the current rules at the Boarding School in this document: Boarding School, Covid-19 – rules

29 November 2021: The checking of Corona passports

The Danish Parliament has decided that Corona passports must be checked at all institutions of youth education from Monday 29 November 2021. Consequently, Nyborg Gymnasium has established a simple procedure for the checking of Corona passports at NG every day: Regler for kontrol af Coronapas

Here you can read about what is required for a Corona passport to be valid:
In Danish: https://coronasmitte.dk/raad-og-regler/coronapas
In English: https://en.coronasmitte.dk/

All have to download the Corona passport app, so that everyone is using the same site:
In Danish: https://coronasmitte.dk/spoergsmaal-og-svar-om-covid-19/coronapas-appen
In English: https://en.coronasmitte.dk/corona-passport

If a student is exempt from testing or vaccinations, he or she must come to the office with documentation for this, and then we will inform his/her teachers, so that the student is not sent to the office every day.

15 November 2021: Handling of COVID-19 at the boarding school
COVID-19 is increasing in Denmark and it has again been categorized as a disease that is a critical threat to society and the authorities have chosen to implement procedures to deal with the situation. Read more about how we handle COVID-19 at the boarding school in this letter, that has been sent to it’s students and their parent: COVID-19 letter of 15 November 2021

13 August:Vaccination i collaboration with OUH on Tuesday, 17 August
Nyborg Gymnasium offers students COVID-19 Vaccine at school. You can find information on where and when in this document: Vaccination i collaboration with OUH

6 August: The latest instructions for students and teaches about the handling of Covid-19
Hopefully most of students have had your second vaccination so we can start the year with a fully vaccinated school. All students have recieved these instructions about the handling of Covid-19 which has just been revised: Instructions for Students and Teachers (August 2021) 

You can finde the current rules at the Boarding School in this document: Boarding School, Covid-19 – rules

Overview of the latest initiatives and recommendations:

31 March: All students are allowed back after Easter Break
All students are allowed back after Easter Break. This means that all students will be allowed back to school every second week from 6 April. After Easter, we have to ensure that all students are tested twice per week at school by supervised self-swabbing (self-testing), and right now supervisors are being trained and test facilities are being established.

Test procedure students

Instructions to teachers and students regarding hygiene etc.

10 March: Reopening of the school from 15 March
Some good news – especially for the graduating students. But there is also a light at the end of the tunnel for continuing students! In brief, a political agreement about further re-opening has just been made. This means that all graduating students will be allowed back to school every second week from 15 March, and that all continuing students may return one day a week for outdoor teaching.

Who can come in when?
We will be allowed to bring in graduating students into school 50% of the time, and only 50% of the graduating students are allowed at school at any time. Specifically, this means that we will have face-to-face teaching for half of our school’s graduating students every second week, and we will start with stx, hf, hhx and eux/eud next week from Monday 15 March, so that they can participate in the planned workshops for SRP, SOP and EOP (exam projects) – and these students will soon receive more information about the project period. In the following week, from Monday 22 March  it will then be IB and 10th graders who will be allowed back. This division will fit well with 50% at any time, and some IB students will also need time to return to Denmark and enter quarantine.
All graduating boarders are allowed to return to the boarding school in the coming weekend, on Sunday 14 March, but you will need to be able to show a negative test in order to return. You will receive further details from the boarding school within the next couple of days. For all continuing students, we will be back with more information as soon as we learn the details about how we are allowed to organise the outdoor teaching.

Testing will be required
The Danish authorities require all graduating students and all staff returning physically to school to be able to show negative test results twice a week with 2-3-day intervals. You will therefore have to be able to document a negative test result within the last 72 hours. Specifically, we ask you to be tested Saturday or Sunday, so that you gave provide a negative test result the first time you meet at school on the Monday. We have developed a software and a site for students to upload test results, which will be checked before you meet in on the Monday. On the Wednesday, we will test all graduating students and all staff at school in collaboration with the municipality, and we will put this into your schedules.

See the press release (in Danish) here:  https://www.justitsministeriet.dk/pressemeddelelse/implementering-af-politisk-forstaaelse-af-24-februar-2021-om-genaabning/

3 Februar: Returning to boarding school from abroad
The current situation is that the authorities have extended the restrictions, and consequently the lock-down of the boarding school and school until 28 February 2021. It is uncertain whether those restrictions that affect the boarding school will be extended even further.

When we are allowed to re-open, we expect that boarders will all take precautions when you return to the boarding school and school. For students coming from abroad, the rules will be that they have to go into quarantine outside the boarding school once they arrive in Denmark. The duration of the quarantine will be changed from 14 to 10 days. This change is in accordance with the guidelines the authorities have announced. According to the authorities we can and should require 10 days of quarantine after arrival in Denmark. Consequently, we do not allow that students, by taking a test on day 4 or later after arrival, can shorten their quarantine and return earlier to the boarding school.

With the announcement from the Danish authorities from Friday 8 January 2021, all countries are red, meaning that all travel activities should be avoided.

If boarders enter Denmark from abroad, they must submit documentation for when they arrived in Denmark, and where they will be staying during your 10-day quarantine after arrival in Denmark. The documentation must be submitted to the Head of Boarding, Betina Hyldgaard Andersen, by e-mail (ba@nyborg-gym.dk). Subsequently, we can determine, when it will be possible to return to the boarding school, following re-opening.

Finally, during the quarantine period, it will be possible to attend virtual, online teaching.

28 January: Extended restrictions
The restrictions have been extended until 28 February, and we are looking at another 3 weeks of virtual teaching – and maybe even longer. This Tuesday, we held a social module on how to handle this situation, and the students all came up with suggestions for what the school can do to help them cope better during the virtual teaching. Many good suggestions were made. The suggestions all have in common, that the students need a school day, which alternates between synchronous and asynchronous teaching, and that assignments and amount of homework are coordinated. Furthermore the students ask for breaks with physical activity, and more assignments and activities which can take place outside. Not all want the same, but all inputs have been gathered and sent it to the teachers.

In the coming school days, all class teams will try to coordinate the next few weeks to make the school days more varied and with a bit less screen time. We are organising a social Friday event on 12 February, where the student council is planning activities, and where we will livestream some music.

IBO will give an update mid-February om the exams.

Join our virtual After School Activities if you need a fun time-out: https://nyborg-gym.dk/virtuelafterschool/

15 december:
As many of you may have heard, the current, partial closure is now extended to all of Denmark, and hence also to Nyborg municipality. This means that all students from the 5th grade (approx. age 12) and upwards are sent home for online emergency teaching – and this includes all students of Nyborg Gymnasium. We have decided that we start the closure already from tomorrow morning, since the clear intention of the authorities is to limit social interactions in society, with the aim of reducing the corona infection rates. Communication about the teaching at IB and students living at the boarding Scool has been send directly to the students and their parents.

3 November: Instructions about hygiene
Updated guidelines regarding face masks etc. has been send to all students, parents and teachers. The final part of the document (page 6-8) is copy-pasted from the Danish Health Authority and intended to help and answer many of the questions that we receive, but which should really be answered by the Health Authority.

A significant change in the guidelines is that all students and employees are asked to contact their own doctor or the Health Authority hotline if they have health questions. We do not have the capacity or knowledge to answer questions – and recently there are many questions from our 1200 students and 150 employees. So, from now on, the first step is for you to call your own doctor or the Health Authority hotline if you have health related questions and are in doubt. During the next two weeks we will spend time in the classes to create safety, peace of mind and help each other to remember the school’s guidelines. The Class Coordinator will repeat and go over the school’s guidelines, procedure for online teaching and the final pages in the guidelines regarding the tracking and detection of infection, close contacts and testing.

You can find the instructions here.

29 October: Face masks
Students must have a face mask on when walking throug transit areas, common areas and canteen, but also when they sit doing group work in our common areas (Food Camp, Library etc.). It is only permitted to remove face mask in the students own classrooms.

23 October: Mandatory face masks
Regrettably, the current situation now resembles the situation in the spring. Many of you have probably seen the press briefing tonight and have heard that face masks will be mandatory in high schools/upper secondary schools from 29 October. Fortunately, we have ordered washable face masks to all of you, although they will not arrive until the beginning of November. Consequently, if you do not yourselves have face masks, the school will provide single-use face masks from 29 October and until these washable facemasks arrive. We do not yet know if the face masks only have to be worn in the common areas and during transit between classrooms etc., but I hope that the health authorities will clarify this over the next few days. The limit for public assemblies has been reduced from 50 to 10 participants, and we do not know yet whether this will affect the everyday life at Nyborg Gymnasium. Right now, the school is run in accordance with a specific set of guidelines for schools and boarding schools, and we assume that this will continue in some form.

23 October: Face masks for students
As we all know, all employees wear face masks when walking through transit areas, common areas and canteen and we have had many requests from students and employees who have made a strong case for face masks for our students. Yesterday we talked to the student council board and they support face masks for students. We have examined many alternatives and types of face masks. Throw away surgical face masks are not an option as they will be thrown everywhere. So we have ordered two fabric face masks for each student so they can be washed in turn. The face masks will be ready at the start of November and from the day they are delivered we will make a temporary change in the Study Rules and Regulations so it will be obligatory with face masks in transit areas, common areas and in the canteen (the same as restaurants). We continue with this until Christmas and this fits with the life span of the face masks if they are washed as specified.

14 October: No infected students
At the time of writing, no one else but the student, who we were informed about by the health authorities last Thursday, has been infected.
The school will open and run as normal after the holiday.

8 October: Infected student in 10th grad
This afternoon, we were contacted by the Danish Patient Safety Authority, who informed us that we have a Covid-19 infected student in 10th grade. Based on this we have chosen to send home all of the 10th graders and all of their teachers, and we are currently completing the tracking down of any close contacts. We do want to point out, that the infected student has not moved about in our common areas or in the canteen, but has being driven to school each morning and has being picked up immediately after school. The student has only just started at the school and still has no close relations. So the probability that this student could have infected others is negligible. All teachers and students in 10th grades have, as mentioned, been sent home, and we have identified any close contacts, who are all being tested now. The risk of infection is minimal if you are not considered a close contact. Therefore, all students have been adviced to stay calm, but of course pay attention to symptoms and follow our procedure, if they feel any symptoms. And it is SO VERY IMPORTANT that they continue to follow the school’s guideline for distance and hygiene.

We are continuously in contact with the authorities, who are guiding us, and consequently, the school day will continue as usual tomorrow, but unfortunately without the 10th graders.

21 September: Cancellation of study trips
Based on the recommendations from the Ministry of Education all study trips are cancelled. We have previously cancelled several study trips based on the Ministry of Educations recommendations, but we have informed students and parents today from those classes that have not already been cancelled. See the Ministry of Educations recommendations via this link: https://www.uvm.dk/aktuelt/i-fokus/information-til-uddannelsesinstitutioner-om-coronavirus-covid-19/spoergsmaal-og-svar/generelt

2 September: Teaching needs when a student is home due to testing.
Students with suspicion of Corona must inform the office at once if they wish to receive home teaching while they are at home due to testing. Students have received a message about the following procedure:

  1. With suspicion of infection you should contact the school office on phone 65310217 for clarification if you should stay at home.
  2. If you have to stay home, you must order a test as soon as possible through your doctor.
  3. The office will send a message to your teachers that you are at home on suspicion of Corona virus, and that you should follow lessons virtually. Participation can both be synchronous via Teams or asynchronous work e.g. with an assignment. Your teacher decides this. You will receive absence for the virtual teaching.
  4. If you test positive you must immediately contact the Principal on phone 29737472 (no matter what time).
  5. You must send documentation of the completed test to the office on  post@Nyborg-gym.dk, as soon as you have a result. Documentation for the test must be sent regardless if the test is positive or negative. You can find your documentation on sundhed.dk
  6. When the office receives the result of the test, a message will be sent to the teachers to discontinue your virtual teaching if your test is negative:-))


11 August: Recommendations Covid-19
In light of latest developments of the infection rate we have made further initiatives effective for the next 14 days:

  • All employees shall wear a face mask when they are in transit between classes and in contact with students they do not teach.
  • There will be a patrol on duty all day at school to emphasize that students must hold distance, keep to the right etc. and not gather in groups with other classes.
  • All employees shall emphasize the instructions and recommendations around school if a student clearly breaks them – even though it is not their own students.
  • All students and parents receive a letter that states again the recommendations that shall be followed and that parents should talk to their children to remind them that they need to take responsibility.

4 August: The Ministry of education and the heath agency have released new guidelines for schools
The Ministry of education and the heath agency have released new guidelines for schools for how to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The boarding school has therefore recompiled their rules and guidelines. You can find them here: Attendance and stay at the Boarding School – handling the COVID-19 – 290620

26 May: Update on boarding situation – follow-up on announcement from Friday 22 May
On Friday 22 May, we announced that due to the expansion of phase 2 in the re-opening in Denmark, which was specifically aimed at continuing students, Pre-IB and 2i students would be allowed back to the boarding school. We made this announcement in accordance with the guidelines and communication from the Ministry of Children and Education.

Since then we have received two new pieces of information from the Ministry:

Monday 25 May, we were informed that the reduction in boarding school fee, which was agreed upon by the political parties on 22 April, for those boarders who were sent home/away from boarding, has been cancelled with immediate effect. This means that all boarders will have to pay the boarding school fee again from 27 May and until the end of June.

Furthermore, we have today, Tuesday 26 May, been informed by the Ministry that 3i graduates, despite the fact that they have no further school activities, are now also included in the expanded phase 2, and consequently, we can now extend the possibility for returning to boarding to 3i graduates.

Pre-IB and 2i
Last Friday, Pre-IB and 2i students were given until today, Tuesday 26 May at 16:00, to contact Betina (Head of Boarding School) via Lectio, if you want to return to the boarding school.

Due to the new information above, we will extend this deadline one more day. So, if you, based on the new information above, now want to return to the boarding school on Sunday 31 March in the period 13:00-15:00, please contact Betina via Lectio no later than tomorrow, Wednesday at 16:00. If we have not heard from you by then, we assume that you are not interested in returning to boarding, and this will, consequently, not be possible at a later stage this school year.

As mentioned above, 3i graduates have no further school activities remaining, but they are now also, in accordance with the information we have received today, allowed to return to the boarding school.

Should any 3i graduate wish to return to the boarding school, they will have to observe the following quarantine regulations: Any graduate returning from abroad will have to go into 14 days of isolation somewhere else in Denmark before they may return to the boarding school. No such quarantine applies to students who have stayed in Denmark, and they may return to boarding when we re-open for them.

Since this is a new situation, we need to change our procedures and staffing at the boarding school, and we need to know if any 3i graduates would want to return.

It will be possible for 3i graduates to return on Sunday 31 May in the period 13:00-15:00, but we will have to know in advance, and consequently, you should contact Betina (Head of Boarding School) via Lectio no later than Friday 29 May at 16:00, if you want to return to the boarding school. If we have not heard from you by Friday 29 May at 16:00, we assume that you are not interested in returning to boarding, and this will, consequently, not be possible at a later stage this school year.


22 May: Update on boarding situation
On Wednesday 20 May, phase 2 of the re-opening in Denmark was expanded for continuing students in the Danish programmes, so that they are now allowed back in school to participate in school activities, and boarders who are continuing students in the Danish programmes will be allowed to return to the boarding school too.

Pre-IB and 2i
This also applies to Pre-IB and 2i students, but as promised earlier, we will not be calling any Pre-IB or 2i students back to school on this side of the summer break. All of the remaining activities in Pre-IB and 2i will be completed online. At present, only very few Pre-IB and 2i students remain at boarding, and more than 80% have left for home either in Denmark/abroad or are at their contact persons in Denmark.

Should any Pre-IB or 2i student wish to return to the boarding school, they will, under the new guidelines, be allowed to do so, but a few things should be taken into consideration:

  1. All teaching will continue as virtual teaching only, since many Pre-IB or 2i students will not be able to/choose to return to the boarding school. It is absolutely not a requirement from the school that any student should return, and all school related activities will continue as planned with online, virtual teaching only
  2. Pre-IB students only have school related online activities until 5 June, and then their summer holiday starts form 6 June
  3. The 2i students have a reduced schedule with online teaching until 12 June, and after that an online CAS workshop and some days with an online EE workshop and then their summer holiday starts form 19 June
  4. Should any Pre-IB or 2i student choose to return to boarding, they will have to pay the boarding school fee for June
  5. Quarantine regulations: We are still awaiting an answer from the Danish authorities on the quarantine regulations for students returning from abroad, and we may not get this answer until Monday 25 June. If the current regulations are continued, then any student returning from abroad will have to go into 14 days of isolation somewhere else in Denmark before they may return to the boarding school. No such quarantine applies to students who have stayed in Denmark, and they may return to boarding when we re-open for them

Since this is a new situation, we need to change our procedures and staffing at the boarding school, and we need to know if any Pre-IB or 2i students would want to return.

It will be possible for Pre-IB and 2i students to return on Sunday 31 May in the period from 13:00-15:00, but we will have to know in advance, and consequently, you should contact Betina (Head of Boarding School) via Lectio no later than Tuesday 26 May at 16:00, if you want to return to the boarding school. If we have not heard from you by Tuesday 26 May at 16:00, we assume that you are not interested in returning to boarding, and this will, consequently, not be possible at a later stage this school year.

The above possibility to return to boarding only applies to Pre-IB and 2i, who still have school related activities remaining, and not 3i graduates, since all school activities for 3i are completed. Consequently, there is no change in the situation for 3i.

We are, however, looking forward to seeing the 3i graduates for the IB Graduation Reception Wednesday 27 May from 13:00-14:30.


28 April: Update to Pre-IB, 2i and 3i students and parents
Based on the information released from the Danish government, it seems clear that we will not see a full opening of the school before the summer break. Under the current restrictions, the cautious re-opening is so far only for graduating students from the Danish programmes, and we do not know to what extent this will change after 10 May, where phase two of the re-opening in Denmark begins. In addition, most of our Pre-IB and IB normally living at boarding have already gone back home abroad or to contact persons/family in Denmark and will, under the current guidelines, not be allowed back to boarding, even if they could travel back.

Consequently, we have made the decision, that we will not be calling any Pre-IB or 2i students back to school on this side of the summer break. Basically, this means that we will continue with virtual teaching until the end of this year for Pre-IB and 2i, and below is an outline of the plans for Pre-IB and 2i, along with an update for the graduating 3i students.

Pre-IB: End-of-Year plan
All of the remaining activities in Pre-IB can be completed online, and any boarder still at the boarding school is free to leave for home, should they choose to do so.

Especially during the last two weeks, our focus has shifted to the urgent need to revise our plans for end-of-year activities for Pre-IB, and these updated plans have been communicated to our Pre-IB students yesterday.

The full schedule with virtual modules will continue until the planned last day of regular school on 15 May. In the period 18-20 May, Pre-IB students will be working on a Mini Extended Essay (Mini-EE) in English and History, and after that revision days are planned in Mathematics (25-27 May) and English (28-29 May) as a preparation for the online End-of-Year tests in Mathematics (3 June) and English (5 June). The Pre-IB students then begin their summer break on 6 June.

Once our IB Coordinator, Ulrik Nørum, has received information on end-of-year grades, end-of-year tests and the mini-EE from the teachers, he will decide on promotions to 2i, and you will be informed about the decision. The Corona situation will be taken into account when evaluating academic standing. You can read more about our Admission and Promotion policy on our website in the FAQ for the IB Diploma Programme: https://nyborg-gym.dk/ib/?lang=en#panel4v.

2i: End-of-Year plan
All of the remaining activities in 2i can be completed online, and any boarder still at the boarding school is free to leave for home, should they choose to do so.

Especially during the last two weeks, our focus has shifted to the urgent need to revise our plans for end-of-year activities for 2i, and these updated plans have been communicated to our 2i students yesterday.

The full schedule with virtual modules will continue until the planned last day of regular school 15 May. Subsequently, the teaching period with virtual modules has been extended until Friday 12 June by bringing forward modules from 3i to compensate for moving the Languages A Individual Orals and Science Individual Investigations to 3i. In this extended period the main focus will be on Languages A and the Sciences, and the schedules will vary from student to student, depending on the number of Languages A and Science subjects, then individual student has.

A number of activities will continue until 18 June, including End-of-Year oral mock exams in Languages B and ab initio, Textual Analysis in Film, Mini-IA in Mathematics, End-of-Year CAS workshop, Extended Essay working days. The 2i students then begin their summer break on 19 June, but please note that the History IA first draft is due on 1 August.

Once our IB Coordinator, Ulrik Nørum, has received information on end-of-year grades, end-of-year mock exams, Film TA, Math Mini-IA, CAS status and EE status, he will decide on promotions to 3i, and you will be informed about the decision. The Corona situation will be taken into account when evaluating academic standing. You can read more about our Admission and Promotion policy on our website in the FAQ for the IB Diploma Programme: https://nyborg-gym.dk/ib/?lang=en#panel4v.

3i: Update
Especially during the last two weeks, our focus has increasingly shifted to the urgent need to revise all of our plans for end-of-year activities for Pre-IB and 2i, and these updated plans have been communicated to our Pre-IB and 2i students yesterday. Changing these plans has again required a lot of extra work, but we have not forgotten our 3i graduates.

Since the IBO announced the cancellation of the May 2020 exams, we have been working very hard to provide the information required by the IBO in order to award Diplomas to our 3i graduates. This process will finally be completed by the end of this week, and you can stay update on IBO’s handling of the Corona crisis here: https://ibo.org/news/news-about-the-ib/covid-19-coronavirus-updates/.

Both 3i graduates and parents have expressed their wish to celebrate the completion of 3i, and this is a wish we fully share. Completing the IB Diploma Programme is a huge achievement!

We are considering different possibilities for celebrating our 3i graduates, but before we can finalize any plans, we need to learn what the Prime Minister decides for phase two of the re-opening of Denmark, and which changes might be implemented to the guidelines for assemblies at schools. The start of phase two is set to 10 May, and we expect the official announcement of new guidelines to be made next week. We will then announce how we may celebrate the 3i graduates.

23 April: For all boarders who are sent home/away from boarding and their parents
On 22 April, a political agreement has been reached in Denmark concerning a reduction of boarding school fees. This morning, the Ministry of Children and Education have finally sent out concrete guidelines on how this agreement should be implemented at the schools for the period 1 April to 10 May. This means that we will be able to return either part of or the whole boarding fee for those boarders who are sent home/away from boarding for the period 1 April to 10 May. The refunded amount can as a maximum be DKK 1,000 per week, and no more than the actual fee paid by individual boarders. The credit note for the period 1 April to 10 May will be sent out before 1 May, so that it can be deducted from the fee for May. Your account will be settled at the end of the school year, and any amount due to you will be returned. In case the agreement is extended beyond 10 May, we will respond immediately to further guidelines from the authorities.

9 April: Update for Pre-IB and IB students

Status for Pre-IB and 2i
On 6 April, and again on 8 April, the Danish government released information on the cautious and gradual re-opening of schools and on the final exams for graduating students in the Danish programmes.

All continuing students in all study programmes, including Pre-IB and 2i students, will continue with virtual classes after Easter, and we are in the process of planning how we will complete the year for Pre-IB and 2i students.

We will have to make changes to some of the plans we had for activities in May and June, and more information on this will be sent out after the Easter break.

Status for 3i
Since the IBO announced the cancellation of the May 2020 exams for 3i students, we have been working hard to provide the information required by the IBO in order to award Diplomas to our graduating students.

Our IB Coordinator, Ulrik Nørum, has had two online meetings with all 3i teachers, on 23 March and 31 March, along with daily online meetings, phone calls and mail correspondence with both individual 3i teachers, the other Danish IB Coordinators and the IBO.

Our 3i students have been kept informed, as new information has become available. Ulrik Nørum has written to 3i students on 22 March, 28 March, 29 March and 1 April, and has held an online meeting with the 3i students on 3 April, when more detailed information on how the final grades will be awarded was given.

All the teachers, and Ulrik Nørum, have worked hard during the Easter break to provide the information requested by the IBO, and this process is nearing its completion, and we have been, and are still, doing our best to ensure a fair ending of 3i for our students

You can stay update on IBO’s handling of the Corona crisis here: https://ibo.org/news/news-about-the-ib/covid-19-coronavirus-updates/

26 March: Regarding payment for Boarding School
We are following the instructions of The Danish government regarding payment for Boardning School. Please read the attached letter for further information.

23 March: Lockdown continues
The Danish authorities announced that the lockdown period will continue until Monday, April 13, 2020. We hope we have the opportunity to reopen the boarding school on April 13, 2020 but we cannot provide any guarantees on this area. It depends on the situation of COVID-19 and the Danish
authorities’ assessments and decisions. We follow the Danish authorities’ guidelines and rules and therefore unfortunately it will not be possible to return to boarding school until the Danish authorities announce that schools and institutions can reopen.

23 March: The May 2020 IB Diploma exams for 3i students have been cancelled by the IBO
Sunday afternoon, we received an e-mail from the Director General of IBO, Siva Kumari, stating that Monday 23 March 2020, at 09:00 Danish time, the IBO would announce that the May 2020 exams are cancelled. This announcement has now been made public on the ibo.org website.

Please read the attached letter for further information and note that any questions from students/parents regarding the above mentioned and future communication from IBO, or about grades or school related activities, should be directed to me by e-mail (un@nyborg-gym.dk), and not to the teachers.

Furthermore, please note that the IBO will only provide full detail and FAQs on Friday 27 March 2020. Consequently, all students should continue studying until we know the full details on Friday 27 March 2020, and so until further directions are given by us, teaching and all other activities in 3i continue.

19 March: Gala Party postponed
Unfortunately, we have to cancel the party 24 April. We are really sorry about this on yours, my own and the school’s behalf.
But irrespective of whether we are back at school in one and a half week or after Easter, we do not consider it realistic or justifiable to go through with a party by the end of April. Furthermore, we do not think the authorities will allow it. The goal is to postpone the party and hopefully have it when the final year students graduate. We will work hard to ensure that the graduating students do not miss out on this wonderful party rich in tradition.

18 March: New rules for socialising at the boarding school
Due to the new regulations presented by the Prime minister this evening, there will be the following changes at the boarding school:

As of tomorrow, Wednesday, March 18, you will be divided into groups of 10:
The following applies:
– Each group must come at the exact time and pick up their food – You MUST respect the point in time and do not change groups or meet up at other times.
– The food must be eaten in your rooms – max 2 together from each group. Has to be respected!
– If you are sick you must immediately inform us. In a situation of illness, you will be isolated, and we make sure you get some food.

There must be a maximum of 4 groups of 5 people in the dining hall (includes the whole dining hall). There must be a distance of minimum 3 tables between each group.
There can be a maximum of 10 people in the TV room (2 groups of 5) Only 5 in the couch.
There can be a maximum of 4 people in the FAT-BOY room.
There can be a maximum of 5 people in the study room near the TV room.

You must minimize socialization and distance yourself from one another. By that I mean you have to think carefully and follow the above and only sit together in small groups of 5 in common areas and max 2 in a student room. When you are sitting together, do not consider sitting close together.

We’re really sorry, but we can no longer have gatherings in the dining hall. We are not allowed to have it in this period. We can only be gathered 10 together maximum.

– You are only allowed to go to SPAR, twice a week (only 2 people together). Keep a distance to everyone when you are over there – minimum 2 meters.
REMEMBER that you still have to be registered by the boarding school teacher on duty.
– You are only allowed to be at school area when you want to go out and get fresh air (playing football etc.)
REMEMBER that you still have to be registered by the boarding school teacher on duty.

15 March: Information on how the current situation affects Pre-IB and IB
You can find information about how IBO evaluates the situation, please visit their website: https://ibo.org/news/news-about-the-ib/covid-19-coronavirus-updates/ 
In the link below You can read Information about the IB is sent via Lectio to alle teaches and students in Pre-IB, 2i and 3i.
IB at NG – Corona virus_COVID19 20200315

14 March: Closing of the borders – Boarding School open during Easter holiday
The Danish authorities have announced that from today, Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 12 noon the Danish borders will be closed, until Monday April 13, 2020. Based on the actions taken by the Danish authorities, we have decided to keep the boarding school open during the Easter holiday / spring break for you that already are at the boarding school.

COVID-19 UPDATE – Boarding school

12 March: Virtuel classes
This morning, we received the following information from the Ministry of Education:
On 11 March, the government has decided that students at all public educational institutions must be sent home as soon as possible, and no later than Friday 13 March 2020, for initially two weeks. Private institutions are encouraged to do the same. For boarders, it will be decided locally, which boarders can remain at boarding, until the school reopens.
The goal of the government is that the students should receive as much teaching as possible in that period, where they cannot attend the school physically. The ministry will announce more explicit guidelines as soon as possible. The situation is developing continuously and the ministry will continue the dialogue with the educational sector and maintain continuous communication about the matter.

Today, we have had a meeting for all of our teachers to consider how we can comply with the intentions of the government. Over the next few days, the teachers will be preparing and as off Monday we will implement virtual teaching so that your young ones can attend school from home. Below you can see some of information we have sent to all students. I kindly ask you to ensure that your young ones “meet” in school every day at their computers, and that they continuously check the information and messages in Lectio.

Information for the students

  • All classes are cancelled Thursday and Friday, except for a few classes Friday.
  • From Monday all classes are virtual classes. The teachers will write on each module in lectio what you are supposed to do for the virtual module. They will always write how absence is checked and when the deadline is set.
  • Depending on the type of virtual class, the class may not have to be attended at the timeslot allocated in lectio. If not, the deadline will be apparent from the comment in lectio.
  • We launch Microsoft Teams as a platform for virtual classes. It is important that you try to get familiar with this tool today and tomorrow, as it will be used in some classes next week.
  •  Hand-ins are handled in the usual manner.
  •  Please remember to check your schedule in Lectio daily, and preferably several times per day. The guidelines for entering homework on Lectio are the same as during regular teaching, so you can expect homework to be put in Lectio continuously. 

For 3i students, Ulrik Nørum, our IB Coordinator, is working out plans, and he will write to the students about this later today.

11 March: Update after the prime ministers press conference
You have probably all seen the press conference of the prime minister, and consequently, all schools close from Friday with effect from Monday and 14 days ahead. However, the prime minister encourages all to stay at home already from tomorrow, and therefore: stay at home from tomorrow and onwards. We are in a serious and extraordinary situation which calls for extraordinary measures to avoid further spreading of the virus.

We will continue to support your learning as well as possible via written assignments and virtual teaching. Right now this means that you must stay at home tomorrow and that your teachers will prepare virtual teaching and give you written assignments to do. So you need to continue studying from home rather than at school.

All boarding students from abroad will remain at the boarding school, but all Danish students must leave for home (and stay away from boarding school the next 14 days). The will be a teachers’ meeting tomorrow at 10:00 about the situation, and we will send out more information when we know more.

10 March: All After School activities are cancelled
In order to prevent the spreading of Corona virus, all After School activities are cancelled until 14 April. Furthermore, there will be no acces to the fitness area and table tennis table.

10 March: Self-service and buffet closure at Food Camp
The Prime Minister has just had a press conference and strongly emphasized that everyone should follow the authorities guidelines, we must individually take great responsibility. To reduce the risk of infection further we therefore choose to close the self-service buffet in Food Camp and at Boarding school from 11 March until the Easter break. In future you will be able to buy readymade salad, packed sandwiches and the meal of the day in portions. Buns and hotdog bread will be delivered by the kitchen staff and packed in bags. It is very important everybody uses hand disinfectant and keep your distance in the queue at the checkout.

10 March: Boarding school – no visitors and no travel i March and information about the Easter break
We have continuously many guests at the boarding school who visit students. The guests are often from the whole country and from abroad they can be potential carriers of the virus therefore we impose a temporary ban for guests for the rest of March. In special cases with important family visits or other, this must be discussed with the Head of Boarding School.

Letter to all studens and parents:

Information about the handling of COVID-19 at the Boarding School

7 March: Closing of kitchens
All corridor kitchens at the boarding school are temporarily closed to prevent the risk of infection.

6 March: Cancellation of parties and gatherings
At the Prime Minister’s press conference, 6 March 2020, at 11:30, it was announced that it is no longer allowed to have events with more than 1000 participants. The ban is in effect until 30 March 2020. The government states, that at events with less than 1000 participants, the organizers must evaluate the potential transmission risk.

Based on this announcement, we have chosen to cancel all assemblies and major events in the coming period, and this, unfortunately, also includes the Kapaki Party 20 March 2020. We are not willing to run any unnecessary risk, since we are an international school with many students who cross national borders when they travel.

We hope to be able to plan a new party later in the spring, and furthermore, we hope to have the Gala Party as planned. We will decide on this once the Danish health authorities and the government provide new information on the risk of transmission.

5 March: tightening of procedures and rules at the boarding school:
Letter to boarding school students

Information about the handling of COVID-19 at the boarding school.

4 March: Possible quarantine and duty of notification of travel
Letter to all students and parents

Information about the handling of COVID19 at Nyborg Gymnasium.

In addition, we refer to the following pages:

Sundhedsstyrelsens spørgsmål og svar om ny coronavirus, COVID-19

Udenrigsministeriets information om CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19

Udenrigsministeriets rejsevejledning


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