
Interested in keeping in contact or reconnection with NG?

NG cares deeply about our former students and follows with interest what you are up to in life after NG. With this alumni network, we want to create, cultivate and strengthen a meaningful and lifelong contact with you and other former students.

You are therefore invited to be a part of this new network which, amongst other things, will deal with career development and mutual exchange of ideas.

By being a part of NG Alumni, you will not only benefit from this exchange of experiences but you can also play an important role by becoming an ambassador for NG, helping  spread its reputation. In doing so, you will join a network of other rolemodels to whom our current and prospective students can aspire.

Focus on Career training/education

Young students need to be self-aware as to which education will give them the best possible start for further education and decisions about future careers. No doubt you have experienced this already during your time at NG.

We are hoping that you will be willing to share your experiences  with others who are interested in hearing your chosen career path or, simply, that you yourself are willing to tap in to this network.

Rolemodels in the flesh

Basically, we would like to invite alumni from different educational and vocational backgrounds to take part in career workshops which we will hold every year.

Here, you could make a huge difference to some by outlining how you yourself landed on the path you did and the decisions you made along the way.

Personal testimonials count for so much more/are much more impactful than a slide show.

What’s in it for you?

NG´s alumni network will give you a framework by which you can keep in contact with NG and your fellow former students. In addition, this framework will provide further help with your own career path and development.

For example, we plan to offer:

  • An academic and social network, support and career help
  • Exclusive presentation/talks, mini courses
  • Social events for alumni 1-2 times a year
  • An opportunity to present on career days: further education, student life, job life, CV assistance
  • Exposure on the homepage etc
  • Opportunity to set up a short, individual career profile/CV which other members of this community will have access to and benefit from.
Do you want to join?

We do hope that you would like to reconnect or keep in contact with NG, as members of our alumni network.

It will not only  inspire our current students  but will also provide you with a wide community of former NG students in to which you can tap.

Join the NG Alumni here: NG Alumne



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