After School på NG
Denne side opdateres hvert år i starten af skoleåret
På Nyborg Gymnasium er der mange forskellige aktiviteter om eftermiddagen. Det er vores After School-aktiviteter. Her kan du læse lidt om, hvad der foregår.
Vi vil gerne have, at du hurtigt får et tilhørsforhold til skolen; det hjælper dig også til at gennemføre din uddannelse her. Så derfor: Meld dig til de faglige og sociale aktiviteter, der er på skolen om eftermiddagen! Her vil du møde elever fra alle skolens uddannelser og sammen med dem, kan du udfordre dig selv fagligt og personligt i et hyggeligt og socialt fællesskab.
After School-aktiviteterne foregår på forskellige tidspunkter af året, og de forskellig aktiviteter er af forskellig varighed. Rækken af aktiviteter udvikles og ændres fra år til år. Aktiviteterne kan både være styret af lærere, og de kan opstå på baggrund af ønsker eller initiativer fra elever. IB-elever kan også tilbyde After School-aktiviteter som en del CAS-programmet.
Hvert år ved studiestart afholder vi en stor After School-messe, hvor aktiviteterne bliver præsenteret, og du får mulighed for at stille uddybende spørgsmål. Du vil kunne finde praktiske informationer omkring de enkelte After School-aktiviteter på Lectio, eller ved at henvende dig til Gillian i sekretariatet.
Nyborg Gymnasiums After School-aktiviteter (herunder også CAS-aktiviteter) skal opfylde følgende betingelser:
- Aktiviteten skal være åben, demokratisk og inkluderende, så enhver interesseret elev fra enhver uddannelse på NG kan deltag
- Aktiviteten skal være baseret på enten et akademisk tema, en hobby eller en interesse
- Aktiviteten skal være godkendt, før den kan præsenteres på After School-messen
På Nyborg Gymnasium består After School blandt andet af disse aktiviteter:
In English:
At Nyborg Gymnasium there are many different activities during the afternoons. You can read here about what is going on.
We would like you to quickly feel a sense of belonging at school, it will help you with completing your education here. So therefore: sign-up for the academic and social activities that are on offer at school during the afternoon! You will meet students there from all of the schools educational programmes. Together with them you can challenge yourself academically and personally in a pleasant and social sense of community.
After School-activities occur at different times of the year and the different activities differ in their duration. The range of activities develop and change from year to year. The activities can both be run by teachers and they can occur as a result of a wish or initiative from students. IB students can also offer a range of activities as a part of the CAS-programme.
We hold a big After School exhibition every year at the start of school where activities are presented and you have the opportunity to ask questions. You can find practical information about the different After School-activities on Lectio, or ask Gillian at the office
An After School Activity supported by NG - including CAS-activities - must fulfill the following conditions:
- The activity must be open, democratic and inclusive, so that any interested student from any educational programme at NG can participate
- The activity must be based on either an academic theme, a hobby or an interest
- The activity must be approved before it can be presented at the After School Fair
At Nyborg Gymnasium After School consists of these activities:
Contact: Axel Sorensen, Nikolas Arne Hansen, Kanav Malhotra, Halfdan Barfod Lesher
Date: every Friday, in 5th module, in the multihall
The badminton club is open to anyone interested in badminton. We welcome players from any skill level ranging from beginner to experienced. The club is perfect for students who want to either learn how to play or just play games for fun against other players. The badminton club is a friendly environment open to anyone
Kontakt MTR i Lectio
Forandringshøjskolen FLUX*
Kontakt MM i Lectio
Vil du være med til at gøre en forskel i verden og i dit lokalsamfund?
På Forandringshøjskolen FLUX* kommer du på et mini-højskoleforløb,
hvor du lærer at gøre dine ideer til handlinger.
Hvor du lærer at tænke højt og stort – og sætte handling bag dine ideer.
Gennem spændende workshops låner vi vigtige værktøjer fra retorikken. Vi lærer at organisere aktiviteter.
Vi udforsker, hvordan du kan engagere og inspirere andre.
Undervejs er der plads til leg, stærke fællesskaber, sjov, humor, kreativitet og samværd i den helt særlige højskoleånd, der binder os sammen.
Mini-højskoleforløbet er dit første skridt mod at skabe positive forandringer med hjertet på rette sted og fællesskabet som omdrejningspunkt.
Datoer: Datoerne (bl.a. for weekendtur m. overnatning på højskolen i foråret) følger
Fisk og natur
Elsker du at spille fodbold?
Så kan du deltage i gymnasiefodbold!
Ligesom foregående år deltager vi således med både et drenge- og et pigehold i kvalifikationen til DM for gymnasier (både drenge- og pigeholdet spillede sig videre til DM sidste år 😊
Forud for turneringen, vil der fra uge 35 blive afviklet tre træningsgange (5. modul, kl. 15:30-17:00, på NG) for både drenge og piger:
- Piger (mandag): 28/8, 4/9 og 11/9
- Drenge (tirsdag): 29/8, 5/9 og 12/9
Vel mødt - vi håber på stort fremmøde fra alle skolens uddannelser!
Do you love to play soccer?
Then we offer voluntary soccer, which you can sign up for now!
We have both a boys’ team and a girls’ team, and both are participating in the soccer tournament competing against other schools.
There will be three training sessions for both the girls and the boys before the tournament takes place, and it will be possible to qualify for the Danish Championships for gymnasier (both the girls’ and the boys’ team managed to do so last year) 😊
Training sessions start in week 35 (5th module, 15:30-17:00, at NG), and the exact days will be:
- Girls (Monday): 28/8, 4/9 and 11/9
- Boys (Tuesday): 29/8, 5/9 and 12/9
Hope to see many players at the training sessions!
Kontakt Ioannis Stamoulis Perfetti (3.i), eller Elias Samir Saleem Ejam (3.i) på Lectio
Kære Nyborg elever, sidste år stiftede vi basketballklubben her på skolen; hvor alle med en interesse i basketball har kan deltage. Her spiller vi for det meste organiserede pick-up games, men når der er stemningen for det, kører vi også noget mere specifikt "skills" træning. Sidste år stiftede vi yderligere et mini-hold af det mere øvede spillere under Nyborg Basketballklub hvor vi spillede i U19 D2 Ligaen.
Klubben foregår hver uge, torsdag, i Multihallen
Dear Nyborg students, last year we made the basketball club here at the school; where everyone interested in basketball can participate. We mostly play organised pick-up games, and when there is a mood for it, we run more specific "skills" training. Last year, a sub-group of more practiced players formed a team under Nyborg Basketballklub, where we played in the Danish U19 D2 league.
The club takes place every Thurday in the Multihall
Contact in Lectio: Laura Nowakowski
Location: Monday 5th module, football field.
Our activity is rugby and we will be teaching people who sighn up the skills and techniques of tackling, passing as well as team work which is critical. Students will do core exercises and will be able to develop rugby skills quickly. Each training will be focused on a particular rugby skill and at the end of each training there will be a match between random 2 teams.
Kontakt MDJ i Lectio
Floorball (mange kender det bare som hockey) er et fantastisk sjovt og aktiverende spil. Vi vil spille en masse kamp, men også nogle få øvelser. Det er et spil for alle og man kommer til at røre sig uden at man lægger mærke til det.
English: Floorball (many know the game as hovkey) is an incredibly fun and activating game. We will play a lot, but also add in a few drills. The activity is for everybody who wants to move and have fun.
Chess Club
Contact people: Axel Sorensen, Matthias Michael Templeman Rindsig
Date: every odd week wednesday, in 5th module, in the pit near foodcamp
Chess club is a place for all to sit down and relax with some Chess! School can be stressful, so Chess club offers a way to get away from that stress while still exercising your brain in fun ways. We believe that the most important aspect is that all have a good time, and as such the club offers the possibility of good games and teaching to anyone of any skill level.
Kontakt MU i Lectio
Makerspace er stedet, hvor du kan komme med dine venner og hygge dig med projekter. Der er ingen grænser for, hvad du kan lave i Makerspace, for vi ligger inde med det meste værktøj. Du har blandt andet mulighed for at designe og skabe dine egne unikke produkter, trykke T-shirts, 3D-printe, laserskære, lære programmering, deltage i workshops og meget mere.
Eksempler på projekter kunne være lamper, robotter, smykker, nøgleringe, skilte mv. Det er kun fantasien, der sætter grænser.
Vi glæder os til at se dig!
Makerspace is the place where you can have fun with your friends working with projects. We have most tools; therefore, you are only limited by your imagination. Among other things, you can 3D-print, laser cut, learn programming, design, and create your own unique jewelry, print T-shirts, participate in workshops and much more.
We look forward to seeing you!
Fælleslæsning (biblioteket)
Kan du li’ at få læst historier op?
Kan du li’ at tale om det du hører?
Kan du li’ at tale om din oplevelse – var historien sjov, kedelig, interessant eller noget helt andet?
Så vær med til fælleslæsning i 5. modul:
Onsdag d 25. oktober på biblioteket
Onsdag d 15. november på biblioteket
Onsdag d 6. december på biblioteket
Der bliver selvfølgelig serveret noget at spise og drikke 😊
Vær obs på det kommer til at forgå på dansk!
Tilmelding til Trine på biblioteket (TRBJ)
Røde Kors / Red Cross
Røde kors er en organisation som samler penge ind til nogle gode formål, i år er det udsatte børn i Ukraine, Yemen og afghanistan og udsatte børnefamilier i DK. Man kan blive ambassadør og/eller indsamler, hvor man hjælper med at samle penge ind og generelt bare hjælpe til.
I kan kontakte mig på lectio eller mail
Mvh Julie Johanne Dvinge
Kontakt BSL i Lectio eller tilmeld dig på Afterschoolmessen d. 4. september.
Kom og hør mere om dette skoleårs fedeste projekt: Skolens teaterkoncert. En dynamisk blanding mellem musik, teater, skuespil og dans. Det er jer, der skaber forestillingen, og alle er velkomne - frontstage og/eller backstage.
Pilates Club
Contact in Lectio: Melina Karpova/Taisia Sneghina/Taisija Nastasija Pivnuka
When: Mondays during the 5th module in the auditorium C503.
Our Pilates club is a friendly space where anyone can improve their strength and flexibility. We offer classes that help you feel balanced and healthy. If the weather is nice there is also a possibility for a pilates club to be held outside. Everyone is welcome!
Dance Club
Contact in Lectio: Emilija Vekmane/Sabina Butorina
Location and time - Monday's and Friday's 15:30
Our Dance Club is a welcoming space where we push past our comfort zones, focus on personal growth, and take care of our bodies. We stretch, dance, learn tricks, and engage in physical challenges that keep things exciting. Our classes combine great music, a safe and comfortable environment, and a supportive team, ensuring a fun and engaging experience for everyone.
MUN and Debate Club
Kontakt JS/JS i Lectio
If you are interested in global issues, like to debate, and want to meet new friends, you should participate in Nyborg Gymnasium’s Model United Nations (MUN) activities. We organize monthly debate clubs, participate in MUN conferences in Denmark and Germany, and organize our very own conference: Model United Nations of Nyborg (MUNNY). In MUN, students debate in the spirit of the United Nations (UN). By undertaking the roles of delegates from different UN countries, they discuss and try to resolve global political issues ranging from the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan to drone warfare and the conflict in the Middle East. Join us and become part of our vibrant MUN community!
Climbing Club
Science - Astronomy and physics club
Contact in Lectio: Nöel Papis-Poulsen/Elza Sarlote Skendere/Adina Tapu
In physics club we will:
- do simple experiments at the school (shooting water rockets etc)
- lectures at SDU
- lectures at the school by people from SDU
- trips to the schools’ telescope
(There are no fixed dates for these activities yet)
In the astronomy club we will discuss relevant astronomical events and use the observatory to visualize said events. We will also discuss the theories of dark matter and energy, galaxies and other stellar objects, space travel, and all the other exciting fields of astronomy!
Kontakt AB i Lectio
Nyt tilbud til alle elever på NG! Kom til Sprogøen i 5.modul i kuberne den første onsdag i hver måned! Her kan du træne et eller flere af de sprog, som du er ved at lære. Eller du kan hjælpe andre med at lære at tale dit sprog.
Come by the lounge (Kuberne) and speak Danish, German, Spanish, French, English or any other language in 5th module first Wednesday every month with kind volunteers who might want to learn your language. An offer you can’t resist!
Strikning og hækling
Kontakt CS i Lectio
Hjemmestrik er populært som aldrig før. Til After School Strikning vil der være mulighed for at få hjælp og vejledning til opskrifter, valg af garn, teknikker osv., og også bare hyggeligt samvær med andre strikkere. Alle er velkommen, både nybegyndere og mere øvede strikkere.
Så deltag i workshoppen torsdage i lige uger. Vi starter uge 40 i lokale B401. Jeg glæder mig til at strikke med jer!
At the After School Knitting Club, we offer guidance and advice for working with knitting instructions, yarn choices, techniques, etc. while also promoting the social aspect of the club. Anyone can join, whether they are complete beginners or experienced knitters.
Come knit with us in the workshop on Thursdays in equal weeks. We start up week 40 in room B401. I am looking forward to knitting with you!
Kontakt Je i Lectio
Socialt og hyggeligt samvær i svømmehallen i Nyborg. Mulighed for instruktion i de forskellige svømmearter. Adgang ved henvendelse til Jesper Ørum eller ved skranken i forhallen i Nyborg svømmehal mandage fra uge 8 og frem til og med uge 13. Aktiviteten sker på mandage i 5 modul. Fri adgang. Fremvis studiekort.
Come join the swimming club. You can learn more about the different swimming disciplines, and practise your swimming skills. Contakt Jesper Ørum (je) in Lectio. Swimming takes place every Monday in the 5 th module from week 8 till 13.
We create a safe space for students to understand more about gender and sexuality and even about themselves while also discussing how media and different societies react to LGBTQ+ people. It's also a great way to find like minded students through this community and form bonds between the different educations. A lot of students feel found and understood in the club, and it can be good mentally to feel safe in a public place because many may face ignorance or uncertainty at home with lgbtq+ topics. Contact Cody and Mirran 3i in Lectio if you want to join.