Grupper på 2, 3 eller 4 elever fra NG. Søde lokale indsamlere. Dygtige organisatorer fra Dansk Røde Kors. Effektive damer i Food Camp, der har smurt over 300 sandwiches og pakket lige så mange goodiebags til indsamlerne. Lærere på banen til at give en praktisk hånd med. p4fyn og tv2fyn på pletten….
Der var fra morgenstunden linet op til en rigtig dejlig dag for en rigtig god sag på Nyborg Gymnasium, da Dansk Røde Kors holdt landsindsamling d. 3. oktober 2021 – med gymnasiet som østfynsk base. Et rekordstort antal elever (160) havde meldt sig som indsamlere. Dermed var NG det gymnasium i Danmark med flest indsamlere!
Det store antal indsamlere kunne da også ses på et FANTASTISK indsamlingsresultat: I 2020 indsamlede elever fra NG flotte 44.000 kroner. I år blev det til hele 118.000 kroner, der nu kommer til at gøre en kæmpe forskel i Røde Kors’ fantastiske arbejde både lokalt, nationalt og internationalt.
Tak for opbakningen – vi er alle så STOLTE af vores dejlige elever og deres samfundssind!
Groups of 2, 3 or 4 students from NG. Nice local collectors. Skilled organizers from the Danish Red Cross. Efficient ladies in Food Camp who made over 300 sandwiches and packed just as many goodiebags for the collectors. Teachers taking part. p4fyn and tv2fyn on the spot….
It was a really nice day for a really good cause at Nyborg Gymnasium, when the Danish Red Cross held a national fundraiser on October 3, 2021 – with the high school as a base. A record number of students (160) had signed up as collectors. Thus, NG was the high school in Denmark with the most collectors!
The large number of collectors could also be seen on a FANTASTIC collection result: In 2020, students from NG collected a nice 44,000 kroner. This year it was as much as 118,000 kroner, which will now make a huge difference in the Red Cross’ fantastic work both locally, nationally and internationally.
Groups of 2, 3 or 4 students from NG. Nice local collectors. Skilled organizers from the Danish Red Cross. Efficient ladies in Food Camp who made over 300 sandwiches and packed just as many goodiebags for the collectors. Teachers taking part. p4fyn and tv2fyn on the spot….
It was a really nice day for a really good cause at Nyborg Gymnasium, when the Danish Red Cross held a national fundraiser on October 3, 2021 – with the high school as a base. A record number of students (160) had signed up as collectors. Thus, NG was the high school in Denmark with the most collectors!
The large number of collectors could also be seen on a FANTASTIC collection result: In 2020, students from NG collected a nice 44,000 kroner. This year it was as much as 118,000 kroner, which will now make a huge difference in the Red Cross’ fantastic work both locally, nationally and internationally.
Thanks for taking part – we are all so PROUD of our great students and their commitment to an important cause!